Our Past Projects

Monday, February 28, 2011

The babysitter...

Hello friends!

Today is my birthday:) When my sweet sis asked what I wanted for my bday- I knew exactly. You see, I love my blog. But seriously? Sometimes it feels like a newborn baby. I'm never prepared. Always searching for inspiration and Monday nights are the WORST!! And this is what I look like:

My sweet hubby always says, "Love, you really should have some posts stocked up so you don't have these freak outs". Yeah ok. I'll get right on that. In my next life. So sweet sister o' mine is going to babysit my little bloggy tomorrow. Best. Bday. Present. EVER!
Be kind. No shenanigans, or when I get back I'll put you in the corner!! She's great, I promise. You'll love her :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

If the shoe fits... :)

A good thing (and one I choose to focus on waaay too much) about working, is the dressing up. I love to get dressed up and throw on a good pair of shoes :) always have. I remember when I was a little girl sitting in my mom's closet and trying to shove my size 7's (at the time) into her tiny size 5 1/2 shoes. You know, that whole Cinderella thing? Ugh! Sooo frustrating! I wanted sooo bad to prance around in her high heels! I swore someday I would have a closet full. And I do :)

I love funky, patterned, colored, spike, wedge, whatever it takes high heels :)
They always fit, and always make me happy :)

I guess maybe I love them because it's something that makes me feel so girly. And tall :) I think I was born to wear them, and I will wear them as long as my feet will allow me. I say to myself "once you go flat, you never go back!" Scarriest thought ever!

Yes, of course! Some of them are cruel. I call them 10 minute shoes. You know, the one's you can only wear from the car to the nearest chair? Who cares!! They're fab right? :) Well sometimes I feel like I should give my little tootsies a break.

So this past weekend I thought I'd throw these on. Oooooh reeeeally Chuck Taylor???? You are dead to me. These stinkin shoes gave me the WORST blisters on my feet. (look closely at the band aids on my heels in the pic above) I was hobbling around Costo with the hubbs and he was looking at me like- what in the world? Yeah, I felt like some bound foot woman from 16th century China!!! Ugh!!

So if it aint broke. Don't fix it.

Bought these sweet denim heels from Tarjay. $19.99 See ya Chucky!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

For the love of food... :)

Soooo, Saturday while I was visiting my friend Kristin's fabulous store FOUND, my sweet and very sneaky hubby was driving around back and picking up my Valentine's present. I have coveted this Feed Warehouse sign since I first laid eyes on it in K's store. I knew EXACTLY where it could find it's forever home. But with so many other projects needing to take priority, I told myself to forget about it. And then came Saturday.....

I came home from my visit, and there it was. Hung up and everything. It was PERFECTION :) and please take a moment to look at the sweet card attached. Red marker and a Trader Joe's bag was all the hubby needed. He's crafty like that ;)
Mmmm me loves!!

Now if any of you know my hubby, you know he wakes up before the sunshine. Always has. So completely opposite of me. Which is why it was near torture for me to wake up and make him some Valentine goodness for breakfast. Something about the way to a man's heart is thru his stomach? So get up I did. While trolling thru blogland last week, I came across David Eyre's pancakes. I can't remember where I found the recipe I used, but Martha has a good one. The ingredients are simple, but the taste? Amazing :)

Preheat your oven to 425 and mix your ingredients.

Stick your cast iron skillet in the oven to heat up. ( LOVE the blurry pic! neither my mind OR my camera work at such an hour!!)

And yes, get your bacon going. It's a must!

Melt the butter in the heated skillet.

Add your mixture and bake for 15-20 minutes. I think I could have cooked mine a little longer to brown it more :(

Squeeze fresh lemon over, and dust with powdered sugar.

Absolutely Scrumptious!!!

It was a wonderful way to start a very Happy Valentine's morning, or any morning for that matter! Thank you David Eyre :)
So yes, the way to his heart was thru his stomach, and the Food Warehouse was the way to mine :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Love... it runs in the family :)

February. The month o love :) I don't have very many decorations for Valentine's Day, so I just put together what I already had with the addition of some sweet roses from Trader Joe's.
These cute little mini roses came from Traders, but the big beauties? From Zuzu's Petals. The sweetest little flower shop in downtown Mesa. Seriously, it's a must for all your flower needs. The ladies are fab and their creativity is like no other :)
I saw this cake mix at Traders and immediately put it in my cart. So cute right?

And here he is. My sweet lovin man :) We adore each other and have for the last 24 amazing years:) But.....

I'm having....

I am! There, I said it!! I'm truly, deeply, madly in love with my house right now! And thinking I always will be :) And I share this sentiment... with my sister:) Meet Michele and her sweet hubby Rod. Yeah, I know. They're ridiculously good looking!
Anyway, they live in this ADORABLE 1928 Tudor in the Willo district in Phoenix. They have this really cool urban, industrial, clean lined style about them. They're house is awesome I tell ya.
Their Tudor has several original details including the floors, doors, windows and claw foot tub.
And yes, my sister is crazy like me and inviting thousands of nosy people to check out her digs. Her awesome house along with several others will be on the Willo home tour this Sunday.

So what better way to spend your Sunday then looking at some fab houses that you would never be invited into otherwise! Do it! You won't be sorry:)

For more info on this cool home tour- go here!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mmm....rain :)

I woke up this morning to the most glorious sound. No, not this little bully's heavy snoring (although I ADORE that sound) it was the sweet sound of a soft rain:)

You have to live in AZ to truly appreciate the blessing that is rain. Rainy days are my most favorite ever. And my sweet hubby knows it. This morning he whispered in my ear "just stay home today and enjoy the rain". God bless him. Really. After the home tour this past weekend, I felt so far behind on my "house stuff". So I took him up on his offer and went downstairs and made myself a cup o brew:) And let me tell you about my little teapot of happiness. It's made by Chantal, and see those 4 holes? When ready, it sings in 4 part harmony! Soooo cute right?? You gotta get one! TJ Maxx has em. $49.99 but soooo worth it!
This instant coffee that Starby's has is delish! It reeeally really is.

And reeeally good with a ton of heavy whipping creme and raw sugar :)

I took my little bully and my hot cup of deliciousness outside to check out the sky. Now I know to some of you this doesn't look like much, but any little bit of dark clouds makes this girl happy!

And check out my little ole sidewalk. Love that crack. When we were restoring, our concrete guy asked if we were going to rip up the old sidewalks. I looked at him with a look of "if you touch my old sidewalks, you die". He got the message :)

I made my way inside and wrapped myself in my dad's old sweater. I acquired this sweater one night when I was pregnant (with my now 23 yr.old daughter) with the promise that I'd return it. I never did :) my dad died in 1992 and it's one of my favorite treasures :)

I got caught up on my Masterpiece Theater on PBS. I happened to start watching this series and it has made it's way onto my "top favs" list! I'm a total sucker for a movie with the words m'lady and m'lord in them! And the outfits in this movie are to die for! If you didn't get a chance to see it- it's a must!

Little bully put in some couch time too :)

Then I got that ew I've spent too much time on the couch feeling and headed to the kitchen:) My hubby enjoys him some granola bars for breakfast so I thought I'd make him some. My daughter's boyfriend Chase found this really good recipe at Smitten Kitchen so I thought I'd give it a try.
I added a little more peanut butter than called for and flax seeds cause I love em!

They turned out uhmazing!!

Then I moved onto dinner. My hubby LOVES my chicken pot pie. I really wish I had a recipe to give you, but I just make it up :)

Little bully snored his way through the entire production.

And that's how I love to spend my rainy days :) Oh, and for the record it just kinda drizzled a few times during the day. But that's okay! You get what you get and you don't throw a fit!! :)