Our Past Projects

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It was just a sign!

At least that's how it started anyway!

Okay, so if you read Dorie's entry yesterday (yes, it was a Monday and she posted...but it was just a warning to let you know it'd be me writing today), you know I'm just a substitute. Don't worry, I'm a fun sub. The kind that, back in the day, we all liked because she was totally clueless so it made the day go by fast! Dorie considers my substituting a gift for her birthday...okaaay, just a bit of pressure!

So...for Dorie's birthday I made her a sweet little sign to hang above her dining room table. For the artwork, I used the font Bickham Script for the text and the border design is actually a font too, called Bodoni Ornaments ITC. It's full of really pretty shapes and designs, like this swirly one. You can set up a sign like this in any computer program (Word, Publisher, etc). It's basically a text box with type inside.My sign measures at 14.5 x 9.5 because the piece of black foam board I had laying around was 15 x 10 and I wanted a quarter inch border around it. So I took the sign and using double stick tape, I carefully mounted it on the board.Then I smoothed it out to make sure there were no bubbly areas (oh my, those hands -someone get this girl some hand lotion stat!) and repeated the mounting on both sides of the sign. To hang the sign, I used picture hangers and wire. The hangers easily stick right into the foam board. I did use a dot of super glue to make sure they were in tight - if you do that, be VERY careful...I almost had two fingers stuck together.And here is how the sign looks hanging above the dining room table.After making the sign, I had the craft bug....so I decided to print 11 x 17 placemats...And look how cute they look with a place setting! I printed 16 of them for Dorie...just in case she decided to have 15 people over for dinner!After the placemats, I still wasn't done crafting. I took that Bodoni Ornaments ITC font and, with the same design, I reversed the color to green on white paper and decided to use it as wrapping paper for soaps. I just love pretty soaps. So, I printed 8.5x11 sheets of paper with the design font repeated on the page... Then I took a plain bar of Ivory soap (they come in packages of 3 and more - and BTW who knew Ivory smells so good!) laid it down on paper and wrapped it like it was a present...
I pulled up the sides and sealed them with matching labels that I printed with "savon" on them. The labels are easily made, using any size Avery labels in Word (the labels I used were 5160). And, if I do say so myself...they turned out lovely! Oh, I did wrap one using brown bag paper that I found near my work desk. And now I'm thinking how these could be personalized with monograms or someone's name as a gift or for house guests...the opportunities are endless I tell ya!
Sooo, was I done crafting? Of course not! I decided to print some calling cards for Dorie. Again, using an Avery label formatted for 5871 (which are "clean edge" business cards) and the same two fonts and colors, I printed these aDORIEable cards...
After I sat back to look at all the pretties, I headed to Safeway to pick up a few items and there I saw this tiny treasure...a green vintage-looking bicycle that had my sister's name written all over it. So, I quickly bought it, took it home, added a plant to it (which I wrapped with a scrap of burlap) and of course, added a tiny version of the birthday sign. It looks so cute in Dorie's house!
And that's it folks! The end of my subsituting today. Happy blogging!


  1. Oh my goodness! Are you sure you are done yet? How clever you are and how very sweet! I am sure Dorie loved it all...especially the darling little bicycle. Good job!!

  2. How fun !! Im sure she will absolutely love it !! Today will beautiful out. Love the creativity you put into make her B-day special. Best of wishes to Dorie ...Chickie

  3. I love everything that you made!
    Happy Birthday to Dorie!!

  4. So cute! You should start writing your own blog!!!

  5. Michele-you are a good babysitter...of blogs and little girls too:) I'm not surprised by your creativity, but always amazed- and at the ACTUAL execution of all those ideas! Happy Birthday Dorie-we love you.

  6. Dorie-

    Hope your bday was spent doing something more fun than night before blog pressure!!! What a great gift. Michele did such a great job, I'm thinking Monday's with Michele is needed to be birthed!!:)


  7. Holy crafting sister! Everything looks so beautiful. Boy, all she got from me was a 3 hour lunch. Oh, and a pair of glam boots! :)

  8. What a wonderful sister you are! Did you send the sign off somewhere for printing? If so, will you share your source?

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