Our Past Projects

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Keep it simple....:)

A few weeks back this guy celebrated his 83rd birthday:) Meet Norm, my hubby's dad. Yep, he's as sweet as he looks:) I thought I'd have him over for a little impromptu dinner the night of his bday:) Only, I didn't reeally think it thru. See, I'm the queen of procrastination and the queen of wanting things to be perfect. Soooo at about 3:00 on the day of said dinner, I started to panic. Wha? What? And then I stopped and took a deep breath and said, Seriously Dorie? NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE RIDICULOUS DETAILS!! It's true. So often times I get worked up about silly little things that I feel like I lose focus on what really matters. The time spent together- THAT'S what matters:) (okay, and the WINE.)

So I set my table outside with what I had. The vintage tablecloth was Norm's mothers:) How lucky I am to have some of her linens!

I took a tag, wrote a message on it, used a fork for a holder and...done:)

I love to mix my really good stuff with inexpensive things to give it that casual look:)

-the plates are Match, the glasses are Reidel.

-the flatware was a TJ Maxx clearance and the glasses are Kerr jelly jars.

-the fab cloth napkins were a bday gift from my sis in law:) from Domestic Bliss:)

And just to keep it real, I'll show you the beast I have to fight off my patio all day-everyday!

She leaves me little gifts like this, and I don't like it:( Moving right along.....

I served my favorite go to meal. Pasta with Prosciutto and Peas. It's super quick and easy and really tasty:) I used leftover cooked chicken instead of the prosciutto, cause that's what I had!

A simple salad of arugula and pine nuts dressed with olive oil and sea salt- perfect:)

And the birthday cake? I stopped off at Fresh and Easy and picked up this tiny little cheesecake. I sliced some strawberries and sprinkled them with a little sugar and let them sit in the fridge for a while so they create that yummy strawberry syrupy stuff:)

Poured that over the top and added a sprig of mint- and there you have it:)

And yes, I made him blow that candle out twice cause I didn't get a pic the first time!

I'm writing all this to say, that it really is all about relationships. And people. And not sweating the small stuff. And not missing an opportunity to make someone happy. And taking the time to enjoy those around you. No matter what:)


  1. Even your small stuff is A M A Z I N G!!! Of course you know I love that porch of yours....but your father in law is too cute and just look at him...REAL MEN DO WEAR PINK!!! The meal looked de-LISH!!!

  2. Ooh, that pasta sounds GOOD. I have prosciutto AND peas in my fridge too! I think we may have to make that tomorrow.

    Fancy cooking term - Macerate. :) I love doing that with strawberries and then serving it over angel food cake or pound cake with fresh whipped cream. YUM!

  3. Aww...Happy Birthday to Norm! I am looking up that prosciutto recipe right now!

  4. Happy Birthday Norm....and he wears PINK!!! I love it.
