Our Past Projects

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

And she's off and running... :)

Yep. I did it. I got in the garage and pulled out those bins. The orange ones with the black lids:) Why yes of course my bins are color coded!! Psh, why the heck not?? It actually started with this wreath I made on Saturday. It's not quite finished yet, but it was enough to get me going.
And don't ask how I made it. I have no idea. I just cut scraps of fabric, wrapped and glued, wrapped and glued. I have no idea how to make fabric roses. Just wrapped and glued, wrapped and glued.
Glued some feathers on, stuck a bird in it. Done. Kinda. I'm thinking it needs something at the top. Like cute letters that say Boo or something?
This is when I get all Scarlett O'Hara and say to myself- " I'll think about that tomorrow..."
I've got way bigger fish to fry:)


  1. So cute!!! I'm pretty sure you could make a ballgown with your glue gun, Scarlett!

  2. I am fairly certain you DO know how to make fabric roses. You just have to slow down and watch yourself next time. That one is gorgeous! Yeah, and "I'll think about it tomorrow" is my theme song lately!

  3. Okay, that last photo makes me super excited to see you this week! I have always loved those vintage looking Halloween dolls? Figures? I don't know what you'd call them. I just bought my first one this year and plan to collect them! Hooray for Halloween decorations!
