Our Past Projects

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Baked eggs... :)

Breakfast and family. One of my fav combos:) The Sunday after Thanksgiving I thought I'd try out this baked egg recipe I found over at Faithfulness Farm:) Baked Eggs. What a concept! You can cook up a bunch at a time and you don't have to spend your morning head down over the stove, when you can enjoy a mimosa instead!!
What you'll need:)
Green onions
Feta cheese
The great thing about this recipe is you can use whatever you have. You can add any chopped meat and use whatever cheese you have... like- chorizo and cotija cheese- or basil, prosciutto and parm?...so easy! so simple! so ME!!

Preheat oven to 350F. Spray as many ramekins as you are going to use with a little oil and line them with chopped spinach. Add 2 eggs to each.

Pour about a TBSP or so of creme over the top:)

Sprinkle with Feta cheese:)

Top with chopped green onions and salt and pepper:)

Stick em on a baking sheet:)

Cook em for 10 minutes:) I cooked mine for maybe 20 because I'm a no runny white stuff in my eggs kinda gal! Just watch them and take them out when they're cooked to your liking:) Again...no rules!!

And here she be. The one and only picture that I got before I devoured the whole thing:)

I served this scrumptiousness with little smokey sausage and toast. Easy, pretty and tasty. Eggsactly what like to cook:) 


  1. Do you think that you could scramble the egg before putting it in the ramkin? Jason only likes his eggs "mixed up."

    It looks wonderful! If you get a chance, find Aidelles Chicken Apple breakfast sausage. I had some in San Diego and I just found some at Raplhs last night! They don't carry it everywhere, but it's worth finding.



  2. I am super picky about how eggs are cooked, because I can't stand anything runny but the yolk. Your 20 minute instead of 10 tip gives me a boost of confidence with this one. Going to try it. :)
