Our Past Projects

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hpy Mthrs Dy!!

So the hubby and I are here in DP:) and it's Monday. And that means I should be blogging right? Nope. Here I sat with absolutely no ideas. Maybe because when I get here my brain totally shuts off:) Soooo, I turned on what my mom always called- the monster. Yep, that's what she called the TV:)

And look what was on!! PERFECT! I was thinking about doing a Mother's Day post!!

No wire hangers EVER!!!!!
Nothing can make you board the crazy train faster than your kids. And my mama had 6 of them. She used to always say- "insanity is hereditary, you get if from your kids!" I seriously don't know how she did it.

This sweet lady is the bestest of  a mom and an even better Grandma Sweets. She can cure your cold with her chicken neck soup, and make your tummy smile with her homemade mole. But my favorite thing? Her writing. Her words and her calligraphy. And now? Her texts!! She abbreviates.

 I love her to pieces:)

Happy Mother's Day!!


  1. Your mom sounds like such a sweet lady! Love her abbreviated texts.....they are so cute :o) Happy Mother's Day!!!!

  2. I am dying that Mommy Dearest was what was on when you turned on the Monster! HAHA. And I love mom's texts too.

  3. The texting is too funny - love the me too fat;(!! Hilarious!
    Have a great mothers day!

  4. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day Weekend!

  5. that is adorable... my gma just started texting and it's literally like deciphering heiroglyphics trying to read her texts... God bless her. Love your blog! :)

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