Our Past Projects

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The winner takes it all.... :)

The winner of the fab Anthro lapkin score is......
suddenly sahm!! 
She scored 165 piece set of dishes in the basement of Ross! The part that got me was the BASEMENT?? She aparently knows the secret handshake:)
 Email me and let me know where to send your loot!!

And I know you all have been dying to know what became of my yellowed linen curtains!! Well the winner there was.......
Yes!! I heart you White Brite. All the live long day:)
The hideous (except for that gorgeous Little Bully) before- ewww!

And aaaahhhh!!! Me sooo very happy!!

Thank you to everyone for all your helpful hints on this one! Gotta go, yep I'm now White Britening everything I can get my hands on....


  1. What a beautiful room! I'll try to remember that detergent next time I'm having the same sort of problem. So glad that you were able to whiten your draperies!

  2. I can just hear you singing Abba's "the winner takes it all..."! Those curtains turned out fantastically! Of course, you know that's my FAVORITE room in your DP home!

  3. Awesome glad it worked for you I swear by it Cheers Frances

  4. Wow, I can't believe how white it made your curtains.....that is remarkable!!!! Your bedroom is beautiful :o)

  5. WOW! That stuff worked awesomely!! Hope it's available in Canada!! - Debbie W

  6. WOW! Your bedroom is now as white as Crest Whitning Strips! Beautiful. BTW, I love your bedroom lamp shade. Did you make that? So darn cute!!!!!

  7. I have never heard of it! Where can you buy it? Your room looks fresh and gorgeous!


  8. May I ask a few more questions? If so, what color is the paint on your walls and where did you find those wonderful shades? We have very similar taste and I am looking to paint our bedroom, which just so happens to have very similar colors.

    :) Becky
