Our Past Projects

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


So this last weekend we got to work on our new place:) The hubby hung a new porch light:) And I'm thinking I'm going to paint the front door a dark grey. Oh how I love this old screen door! It does that crrreak, slap shut noise!! Me so happy:)
I ordered this cute porch swing! I've always wanted a porch swing, and this porch has the perfect spot for it!! I ordered it from here, it's on sale right now for $204!!
And since the temps here are hovering around a hundred and hell,  I went inside and painted this table. I don't really know if I'll end up using it, I might have the hubby do a built- in bench thing so I can get a square table. It's a tiny house so every inch of space is at a premium!! (oooh and check out that lovely original built-in in the background!)
The hubby hung this light in the bathroom. Cute huh?
After admiring his handiwork, I walked back into the kitchen to see this.....
My sons stinkin cat checkin out MY handiwork!! UGH!!! Wet paint+cat=
Footprints. I had to laugh:)
I'm a roll with it kinda gal. I ain't repainting. Nope. I'm leaving those little footprints right there. So you know, if I decide against using this table and you just so happen to come across it at Goodwill? You'll know exactly where it came from:)


  1. Love the porch light! Well actually I love both of the lights plus from what I could see from the kitchen those cabinets are absolutely gorgeous! Can't wait to see all the improvements you guys make. Three Mango Seeds

  2. haha.... too cute!! Does kitty & Bully get along?

    Love the porch light ~ so cute. Can't wait to see the swing. The built-in was the first thing I noticed ~ love it :)

  3. Your table is sweet. Dont take it to Good Will.Looking forward to seeing more of your creativity. Have a beautiful day...Chickie

  4. That is really funny! Cats. Ugh! They think they own the world! I am sure you are having so much fun doing up that little house but I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you will no longer own that happy bungalow. It surely is your calling to improve the world one house at a time but how do you tear your heart away from something so lovely and so much a part of you? Just wondering!

  5. That is really funny! Cats. Ugh! They think they own the world! I am sure you are having so much fun doing up that little house but I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you will no longer own that happy bungalow. It surely is your calling to improve the world one house at a time but how do you tear your heart away from something so lovely and so much a part of you? Just wondering!

  6. Can't wait to see what you do to this Home! Oh and I'm in So Cal, which Goodwill do you frequent? I wouldn't want to miss that table if you decide not to use it! ;)

  7. ooo, love the porch light! where did you find that baby? i saw something similar over at shadesoflight! table looks great {despite the kitty paws!}

    ashley over @

  8. SO precious ...leaving those tiny footprints! i love watching the progress on this home. i'm going to fall in love with it, i just know it!
    glad we found each other ;)

  9. I swear cats do that stuff on purpose. I've been hoping to find a round table like that at Goodwill. My table is rectangular and I've decided a round one will fit that bay window space in my teeny kitchen better. That porch swing will be awesome in a few months. "A hundred and hell" cracked me up!

  10. Where did you find the table originally?? Love it!

    1. It belonged to someone I used to know, and that someone never came back to get it out of my garage. So I painted it and thought I'd keep it, but I'm not feelin it, sooo it found a new home with a blogger friend of mine:)
