Our Past Projects

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I've got my eye on you.... :)

It's beyond hot here in AZ.  Like seriously brain melting hot. So hot I can't think. Of anything to write about. Nothin. I've been spending my days in a pool. Of my own sweat. Not good. Sooo I say, when in doubt- blog about..

I just happened to come across a bunch of pics that I had on my phone. I noticed a pattern.... Wallace likes to do a lot of one eye starin... 

They say you can't lose a Frenchie, because they're always under your feet.

Or in my case, staring at you from around every corner.

This particular one is my fav. He sits and waits patiently for me to do the nod with my head thing, to see if he's going to get to go to work with me.

This is the pitiful half of a face I get when he can't go:(

And here's the sad face I see when I drive away. I always sing to myself- Saaad eyes, turn the other way, I don't want to see you cry-i-i.....
 Pleeeease tell me you remember that tear jerker song from Robert John -1979??

If not, take a minute and have a listen here, it'll take you right back:)

Ok I get that this is the lamest of posts, but I'm heading to Dana Point this weekend and hoping for some very inspirational cooler weather:) the kind that makes me come alive and get all creative and what not:) because this gals brain in all burnt out...literally:( 


  1. Pretty cute pooch! I hear ya on the sizzling weather. I love summer but its been so hot that I'm truly ready for fall. Three Mango Seeds

  2. Poor Poochie! Yes, I remember the song...sad to say. Everyone in Indiana is ready for fall too. How do you keep your porch plants from completely withering in the AZ sun?

  3. Funny pictures of Wallace, he looks like a stalker:) I thought summer wasen't sooo bad here in Az, at least we haven't been over 115 like we know we could be:)Thanks for the smile of listening to a oldie but goodie song!!

  4. When in doubt dog pictures always work :). So hot and dry here in WV all I have done is water the garden...and sweat...this weather does make you a little loopy! Usually want summer to hang on as long as possible because once we get fall weather, winter cant be far behind. This year I'm saying bring on the pumpkins!

  5. Oh man that dog is the cutest! Maybe the heat makes him paranoid.

  6. Not a lame post at all. Anytime there is a precious-faced pooch in the mix, I'm totally digging it.

  7. Wallace is a CUTIE!!!!!! I'd take care of him while you were gone if I could. I love that face. Isn't it cute when they look at you with anticipation of getting to go somewhere and you say "Come on!" They just light up. Those are such cute pics of him looking around the corner and through the stair banister.

  8. He is A D O R A B L E..........

  9. Those pics are so cute! I love the one-eyed stare. And, I looove that song...reminds me of you too!

  10. Your baby is so cute. I love shots like that. My dog does the same thing. That is one of my favorite old songs.

  11. I'm in the AZ heat with you and it is really something. Puts one to work trying to follow the old adage "bloom where you're planted". I've been enjoying your blog for sometime now and thought it was time to tell you. Enjoy Dana Point.

  12. Sooo cute!! We have had the same dog last year but she died because of too much eating. Every time we left for church she has a pitiful face. it seems she wanted to come along with us.

  13. we have a persian cat who does the 1-eyed stare... i'm guessing he thinks we can only see him if both eyes are visible... something similar to hiding under the bed with the lower half of his cute little body sticking out and only covering his head.. hahahah - pets they make life so much fun..

  14. They have a cute french bulldog chalkboard on save-on-crafts website.

  15. Any post about a dog(or cat) is a good post. He reminds me so much of my pug's funny expressions. He follow me from room to room all day.

  16. I love your blog, your home and your dog.......very inspiring stuff you post. Have a blessed day.

  17. This is good stuff! Very funny. Really made my day when I read your post.

