Our Past Projects

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Thank you.... :)

A reeeally big thank you to all my blog buddies who showed up on Saturday. It was so fun to put a face to a name:) Thank you for all the sweet words, the most wonderful bag of peaches, and the cutest angel ornament:) I thought I'd give you all a look at what this place looked like by Sunday night.
The dining room- Oh come on! that's got to be the best tablescape ever!
The laundry room. Someone needs herself a drip dry rod thingy don't ya think?  

"It's a beautiful day, don't let dirty dishes get in the way" ???

And I'm thinkin by next week my plants will most likely look like this:(

Just keepin this little bloggy o' mine- real!!


  1. If only I lived in Arizona, I would have been there. Your house is just so pretty and it will be missed. Can't wait to see what your next project is though.

  2. Even your mess is beautiful ! <3 your blog!!!

  3. Hope you got the email photo I sent :) Couldn't make it Saturday, it was our #22 anniversary! -Janae

  4. Dear Dorie,
    A H U G E THANK YOU to you and your family for having us over Saturday!(opening your home)and offering us tea and lemonade! Muy bueno!! :D
    Seriously, my husband and I left with some serious inspiration to buy an older home and remodel it.(Downsizing) I-we were in awe of your work on this beauty! I believe my new favorite color is green!! I wanted to soak everything in my mind that I didnt take pictures, DRAT!! At least I have your blog to drool over. I DID take pix of the laundry room- CUTE! Thank you Dorie and Mr. Dorie!

    xox, Evelyn

    p.s. love love love your chalkboard on the front porch...is that staying with you? I would be interested in purchasing it if you should decide to sell it!
