Our Past Projects

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Chaos...and avoiding it:)

You say I'm crazy?! I got your crazy!! Holy chaos around here Batman.
Packed up a million boxes of books. I'm grounding the hubby and myself from Barnes & Noble for a year!!
Haven't made my bed in a week. Pure awesome.
Broke my favorite picture ever:(
I was wondering why Wallace had the barfs the other night, then I found the culprit. This Halloween rat, missing his tail.....
Lunch. Now I have the barfs. Yeah, that's my bowl of sea salt. Don't judge my stressful salt eating! Aaaand reading an old Country Living that I found in a heap of old mags. Awesome.
And my purse. It's become my catch all. Doggie bags (why??), water, an old collar of Wallace's that I refuse to throw away (why??), gorilla glue..... Ugh.
So what do I do in times so stressful as these??
Hit Sweet Salvage that's what!! I got this cool little chair, some green books, a FAB green cabinet (that I didn't get a pic of before it went to storage), that old frog card (because Frenchies are often called frog dogs), a really cool table runner and a first place bulldog AKC ribbon from 1973:)
 It was a good day:)
We ended the night at the newbie, popped a cork and drank our wine on the porch swing:) 
We will be all moved in and settled in the little new house this Friday:) I'll have pics for you next week!! Gotta go! The stinkin moving fairy aint lookin like she's showing up.... :(


  1. Thank goodness you can replace the glass on your picture. Wallace is ok? The missing tail just adds to the Halloween experience. :)

    I would really love to go shopping with you!I need to find a Sweet Salvage kind of place.

  2. I love that your life looks a lot like mine. Controlled chaos I like to call it.

  3. Now THAT looks a little more like my life! I ask you: what is better than french fries and an old magazine?!

  4. I always enjoy seeing what you're up to,especially with this big move. How is it, that despite all of the moving boxes and stuff scattered about, that everything STILL looks great!? I guess because all of your stuff is so doggone pretty! I hope Wallace is adjusting to all of this change ok. Dogs can be so sensitive to change. Whenever we go on a trip with ours, he doesn't eat well. That's always a sign of stress. Hope those moving fairies show up soon.....I'm dying to see your new place with everything done. I love how it looks so far!

  5. I am a salty stress eater too! Big old puffy pretzels are my favorite go-to. Cute little Wallace! How's he coping with it all, and...are you taking that cute chicken coop with you?

    My heart is still breaking a bit over you leaving this house. I will miss photos of that dream kitchen, but hopefully you will work your magic on another one and we can be in awe all over again!

    1. Hi Marianne!
      You'll be happy to know that I left the framed pic of Ellye on the mantle with the new owner:) She was sooo excited to hear that Ellye was a twin, because she is too!!

  6. I can't believe you found that ribbon--how cool is that?!? (Oh, and have you seen the french bulldog lamps and bookends at Target? That white ceramic lamp is to DIE for! And...all of that stuff is on clearance now!)

    1. I DID see that bully stuff at Tarjay! But the idea of buying one more thing and then having to pack it would send me over the edge! But now that it's on clearance.... :)

  7. The last line cracked me up.....maybe your moving fairy is hanging out with my cleaning fairy....just sayin...lol

  8. I am loving the newbie! It's so adorable. And, now that I see that new art above your fireplace (We've Only Just Begun")ALL I keep singing over and over is the Carpenters' song! A kiss for luck and we're ON OURRRR WAAAY!

  9. Where oh where did you find your greenery atop the fireplace? Love those plants and can't find them locally anyhere!

    1. Hi Michelle! I found the faux greenery at FOUND in downtown Mesa, where I happen to work on Tues, Wed and Thurs! Come by and say hello!

  10. Can't wait to see more of the new place. Happy moving!

  11. Hi Dorie just found your blog and became your newest follower:) I know things are a little crazy now but I look forward to following along on your new journey! Love your style!

  12. Hey,
    You are starting out with a nice glass of something "red", so it can't be all bad. Remember, this too, shall pass. I love moving and starting fresh!!!! Everything looks new again.

    BTW, stay out of Barnes and Noble! Try buying your books on Amazon for a penny! I have no affiliation and am an avid reader. If I can't buy it for less than 44, I don't buy it. I also have a fabulous Goodwill Bookstore closeby!!!!!!! Once I read a book, I pass it between 3 more people. We really get our moneys worth.

    Can't wait to see what all you do to the house. I love your blog, and I am a newbie too.

  13. Lovely home! Hope after all these years hope you're still enjoying it♡ Do post more updated stories and recipes. I've enjoyed reading, reviewing recipes and seeing your posts.

  14. Are you and hubby house flippers? Your home is fabulous. The kitchen is my favorite♡ Hope this finds you well.

    I am a Northern California Girl, transplanted here in the Old Pueblo since 1997 thanks to the Military. Now retired and enjoying life.
