Our Past Projects

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I wanna talk about me....:)

Not really. I just don't have anything else to say:( Sooo, I thought I'd fill your world with some random (and completely useless) factoids about yours truly:)
~I never ever blow dry my hair. Nope. Too lazy. It gets blow dried once every 5 weeks, when the ol' greys get covered. So if you happen to see me with hair like this- it's that day:) 
The rest of the time it's lazy ponytails and an occasional braid:) 
~I reeally love this car. 
~But maaan this one is dreamier!! A Nash Metropolitan.
Me and Little Bully cruisin'. Yes please!!
I begged my dad for one of these when I turned 16. And now I beg the hubby.
Trust me, this stubborn girl ain't gonna give up on this one:) 
~ I recently realized I have a thing for black, white and mustard.
Didn't know it until I was packing up my closet. Oooopsies:) 
~I LOVE me some brownies. But I only eat the outsides. The corner? oooh that's the golden nugget:)
~I have a serious allergy to cashews. Not all nuts, just cashews.
Ewww, I can hardly look at them!
I had to leave a pedicure once because someone was having cashew chicken for lunch.
~I would rather have 10- 1000 sq. ft. houses than...
1-10,000 sq. ft. house. Yeah, feast your eyes on what I commonly refer to as "the beast".
I wouldn't move back in there fer nothin!!
~I'm a grown woman. But holy scaredy cat. I HATE long empty hotel hallways. Why? because of
I'm not a runner, but I'm pretty sure on the few occasions that I found myself alone in a
 hotel hallway- I could have won a gold medal in the 50 yard dash.
Come play with us........ 

~When I was little I thought rich people ate sugary cereals. Uh huh. My bf Debbie D. always had Quisp in her pantry. I LOVED spending the night at her house knowing the next morning I was going to fill my bellay with this richness:) 
~And the most randomness of all? I was at a spa for my birthday once and wouldn't you know that across the room was none other than Janet Napolitano.
Yep, the Secretary of Homeland Security. In a robe. In a chair. Sleeping.  
Speaking of spas.....
I just so happen to be at the spa:) yeeeah, someone's got to do it. So if next weeks post doesn't happen or makes absolutely no sense? It's because I'm here. Wearing tennies, eating egg whites and having extreme separation anxiety from my Little Bully and my mascara..... 


  1. Have fun at the spa!
    I think you and I should get together for a playdate because I like the "inside" brownies in the pan. So you and I could finish off a pan. I mean ya don't want to waste brownies, right? ;)

  2. You are so lucky that you don't have to blow dry your hair! If I didn't my hair would be a frizzy mess :(
    I agree with you on the brownies....the chewy corners are the best!

  3. Thanks for sharing the pic of he beast, I have often wondered about it since you refer to it often. But it was before your blog time... It looks like an amazing place but I love your past home and current home way more!!!!

  4. this is a cute post. I used to run up the stairs from my grandparent's basement. I was sure the boogie man lived there. And....the first time I ever saw and ate or even heard of an English Muffin was at a girlfriend's home. I thought they were rich too!!

  5. I'm drowning in my beast now, and it's only 1/2 the size of your old beast...I don't know how you did it! Cannot wait to get something smaller! Maybe not quite as small as your itty bitty (still have 3 kids at home), but definitely something more manageable!

    We would fight over the corners, I can't resist brownies, and the corners are absolutely the best part! I have one of those maze-shaped brownie pans, but it just isn't the same as that satisfied feeling of getting every corner before your kids gobble them up! LOL!

    I think I'm way too hyper for a spa. I can't take baths, because I get so bored, but I do love a 50 minute hot-stone massage!

  6. Enjoy your day at the big girl playground, oh, btw I have a 991 sq ft cottage on the shore in CT, me and my Doxies like small and cozy and they don't mind getting the inside brownies, nope not at all ;)

  7. I'd take 1000 sq ft over 10,000 any day too! I live in a 1085 sq ft cottage in Dallas and it's absolute heaven for me and 'the Peach', my Pekingese; the largest house I ever had was 4500 sq ft and it was just too much trouble. I envy the no hair dryer! My hair too would be a frizzy mess w/o it and it's not long enough for a pony nor braid. Have fun at the spa!

  8. Ohhhh ~ I've always wanted to go to a spa for a week. Enjoy :)

  9. Have a wonderful time down south!!! May have to drag out my Canyon Ranch cookbook and try not to be too jealous ;o)

    The fact that your hair looks that amazing w/o drying leaves me a little green with envy too! Try cooking your brownies in a muffin pan- all edges!!! And they cook even faster.

  10. This is such an awesome post. Great knowing more about you!
