Our Past Projects

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

All aboard!!!......:)

Let's just all take a gander at where I do my laundry sorting shall we??
Yep. Right there in the hallway.
Oh honey? Are you looking for your tools? They're right here! on our dining room table.
I'm feeling out of sorts.
 Usually by this time, I'm completely settled. Furniture in, beds made and pictures hung.
I'll tell ya, this living in a reno has got to be the biggest test of patience for me EVER!!
I thought I had a handle on it....until I was startled awake the other morning by the sound of beeping. You know, that sound of a big truck in reverse?
I looked out the window to see this....Noooooo!!! The entire contents of our sweet cottage in Dana Point. Yeah we sold it. I know, I know. I totally didn't let you in on that one! We just decided to move on from that place and start memories in another. Maybe a place to cool off closer to home?
Anyway.....this little delivery nearly sent me into a tailspin.
More boxes!! More furniture that I don't need!! More CRAP!! UGH!!!!!
Overwhelmed cannot even describe how I felt.
So I did what any gal with too much on her plate would do...
Go get a massage!!
I grabbed my purse and walked right past the crime scene in my back yard and got in my son's car.
Why his car you ask??
Because my car is in the shop. The hubby got rear ended on the freeway last week whilst driving
my car.
Uh huh. Seriously. What. In. The. World!!
He was fine. My car, not so much:(
As I pulled out of my drive, I hear my theme song on the radio....
All aboard!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa!!
Ay, ay, ay, ay,
I'm goin' off the rails on a crazy train!!
 Ozzie. It made me laugh. It was so perfect.
And you know what else was perfect?
My massage therapist.
Uh huh. He looked exactly like Ty Diggs. For reals.
Yeeeeah, I think I'll go back to my gal with the man hands.
I just couldn't relax with Mr. Perfect touching my fat!
Wish I knew the fine art of relaxing that Little Bully has mastered.
If only you could hear his beautiful snoring... Oh! you want to hear it?? I thought so:)
I think I'll relax after I unload and get rid of all the extra crap I've accumulated.
Yep, I'm a gonna have me a yard sale. Oh, I mean a tag sale. I'm thinking I'm going to get rid of most of my stuff. You know, so I can start over!! And buy more crap!!

Saturday March 23rd.
7:00 am
I'll post some pics next week of some stuff that will be up for grabs!!


  1. Well you are full of surprises lately! It will be fun keeping up with all the progress you're making on your new place and your next vacation home too. Love the video of your dog snoring. I have a Boston Terrier that snores like that too. It's that smushed in face thing that causes it. LOL!

  2. Oh Dorie, you totally just made me laugh! I can absolutely relate. I'm feeling the exact same way lately headed off the rails! On another note, yay yard sale?! I want to come pick through all of your cuteness!

  3. No need to have a sale, I want it ALL!! Hahahaha! I wish! I'm about to have to tackle emptying a 5200 sf house, full basement, and FULL 3-car garage of all their contents so that we can move to Colorado with nothing but a minivan and small U-haul trailer towing behind. Hubs has decided that if we are going to move all the way across the country, we are going to do it with not much more than the clothes on our backs, and start completely from scratch when we get there! OMG, my beautiful Baby Grand has to GO!!

  4. i have been enjoying your blog so much....as soon as i found it, i knew it was going to be one that i would keep coming back too....i have been having tag sales for the last two years and have sold so much....and now i am buying new....changed my look from a primitive country style to what i now call ....earthy comfy casaul....its so fun to gather new thigs for my new look....good luck with your sale....it i was closer i would be there...linda

  5. oh my gosh....i'll be there!!!!

  6. Oh I can't wait to see what's up for grabs!! I'm sure I'll want it all!!

  7. OMG i need to work some overtime now to attend your sale!!! Wendy from Cave Creek

  8. Dorie, I'm getting stuff set aside in our little bungalow for a yard sale and I'm shooting for the 15th (payday!). I am thinking about setting it up like a store. Women's clothes, men's clothes, kitchenware, etc. Let us know how you are going to do it. I hear masking tape is the best labels.

  9. I may have to buy airfare to Phoenix and buy all of your loot...oh wait, I'm broke. Dang it! I'll live vicariously! OK, and really?? You sold the Dana Point cutie too? Well, bless our heart. Cooler and closer to home? Mountains?

    P.S. I'll take little Bully and his cut snores off of your hands any day!

  10. I just have to tell you. TRUTH. I have read more blogs than I can count and yours is by far the best. It totally keeps me waiting on pins and needles for Tuesday to roll around. :) The other blogs are nice but yours is r. e. a. l. Hope you don't mind. :)Massages are my go-to for stress relieving. When my hubby thinks I'm bout ready for a melt down he always says "why don't you go for a massage". lol He knows how to nip it in the bud.
    I used to be the one who had my whole house unpacked and looking like we had lived there forever in 2 days, if that. Now, not so much. It'll all be there tomorrow. Just keep a quiet space carved out and you'll get through this. The older I get, the less stuff I think I need. Too much to clean. lol Wish my parents still lived in Az, I'd totally be there for a visit. Just in time for your tag sale. I bet I could clean you out. Oh ya, I said I could do with less stuff. Oh well, I'd make an exception.

  11. Oh gosh.... I bet you'll have some great treasurers in your sale :)

    Bully ~ ~ too cute!

  12. Gosh I don't remember who turned me on to your site, but my thanks to them. I so look forward to your posts. They brighten my day. Thanks ever so much.....

  13. You sound like me, while my husband was dropping off items to Goodwill....I was inside, looking!!

  14. They say patience is a virtue...hang in there...love the snoring dog video! Have a snoring Golden and a snoring husband! LOL

  15. Yup, I come here (your BLOG) every Tuesday, too. And I also was laughing inside at the stuff you are going through (and then saying a prayer for you and Roger). And I have to say we LOVE living with less up here in our little cabin in the woods. So freeing to have less space and less stuff.

  16. Nice blog, im finding it so funny that cute dog is everywhere lol.

    Robn of Sofaslip covers

  17. ...oh pardon me...I am LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your video is just crackin' me up! I swear, your bully
    sounds like a particular HUMAN who lives under our roof.

    Two pods?


    A "tag" sale sounds great. Wish I could be there to shop.
    I bet you have some wonderful treasures tucked away there
    inside the pods.

    Hope all is well for you otherwise and that your hubby's
    back is on the mend. Does he use a TENS unit? They
    work wonders!

    Take a deep breath....


    PS: I adore your little bully and his sweet under bite.
    Duhgall has one, too. Kisses for bully.....he melts my heart!!!

  18. I truly look forward to reading your blog each week! I having been feeling the need to have a tag/yard sale myself and start over! Just seems like I have to much junk that causes me the same stress.
    Your friend on the east coast,

  19. I will definitely be there on the 23rd!! I love your style and hope to be able to buy my own "oldie but goody" someday. Thanks for the wonderful blog Dorie!

  20. I must come! I'm secretly hoping most of your fans /readers don't live nearby.

  21. Please tell me your massage therapists name is Demarcus!
