Our Past Projects

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Shoot Fly Shoot.... :)

So here's my camera and my cute camera bag:)
I've had this camera for a while now, and I'm embarrased to say-
 I've never taken the time to learn how to use it!
Until this last weekend:)
Enter Kevin Palmer from Shoot Fly Shoot. He's half of the fab duo that is
 Aaaanyway, Kevin put together these amazing online photograpy classes.
They're perfect for this visual learner!
So because I'm lazy, and reading the manual to my camera sounds about as fun as
 reading the dictionary- here's a  sample of my photog skills.
I usually shoot in no flash mode or Gasp! automatic:(
And here's after I watched just 2 classes from Kevin!!!!
Sing it with me now!- Haaa-le-lu-jah Hallelujah Hallelujah!!!
Again. No flash.
U make....no sense!! What in the world with these horrible pics??
 ISO, Aperature what?? I'm totally getting it!! Virtual high fives!!
And then I just started getting all crazy:) Wow. What fun!!
Who knew??!!
So what I'm sayin here is...
You CAN teach an old dog new tricks!
Or at least Kevin can!!
Worth every penny I tell ya!!
More info on these fab classes here:)


  1. Hi Dorie
    Just LOVE the camera bag(and it's Green).
    Now your going to be able to take all those before and after shots that I'm so looking forward TOO.
    Kind Regards

  2. I just started that class myself, it's great and I love the simple way they teach!!! What kind of camera did you take these pics with? They turned out fab!!! Can't wait to start playing with mine.

    1. Hi Michelle!
      I have the Canon Digital Rebelxs? That's what it says on it!! hahaha!!

  3. Love it! I need to sign up too :)

  4. I'm like, "What manual?" This is way better! Thanks for the tip, Dorie!
    p.s. I love "O Brother" too :)
    Have a great week!

  5. i am on this! thank you for the link!!! and i love that there is a bird in this post. always. xo!

  6. Oh I hear the word aperture or whatever it is...and I get the hair on my neck stands up...I have NO idea what it means!

  7. SO cool!! I've tried SO many time to take good photos, but I think I'm a visual learner too. Shoot Fly Shoot is on my list of "to-do's" this summer. In Alaska, I don't have enough light in the winter to practice photography. Thanks for the awesome testimonial.

  8. My daughter and I have gone throught the Shoot Fly Shoot lessons. They are great! We learned sooo much!
