Our Past Projects

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The blahs .... :(

I got 'em. I've got a serious case of the blahs.
Check out my "kitchen" and "laundry room".
I mean, I can cut up watermelon, make tea AND do laundry
all without taking a single step.
Multi tasking at it's finest RIGHT??
Yeah, that's my dishwasher. Still in working order:)
Little Bully. Sooo confused:(
Oh hello pantry!!

The cool thing is, that when I sweep this multi purpose room I can just swish
that dirt pile right into the big hole just to the right of the stove!!

My ray of sunshine:) The hubby put in my beautiful old kitchen door!!
Complete with her adorable original hardware and peeling paint:)

So here's the dealio. I'm going to be taking a much needed little blog vacay.
I've been blogging every Tuesday for a solid 4 YEARS!!
I think I forgot to post once in that entire time, and I think that was way back when
just my mom and sisters were reading it!
I just need a little break. Like a coupla weeks:)
My brain is fried, and my house is... well you know- a WRECK!!
Sound good? Will you be here when I get back?
Hope so:)


  1. I will be here- Tuesdays are my favourite and my best ;) Enjoy the blog break!

  2. I'll be here Dorie just waiting for your return. Don't you just love the convenience of a floor with a big hole in it so you can just sweep away the dirt. May be you should keep that feature.
    Kind Regards
    PS: Don't be away to long PLEASE

  3. Sounds understandable to me. I've been on a break too because there's just too much life going on. :)

  4. Just think of how A MA ZING your house is going to look when it's all finished! Sounds like you need shopping therapy big time. Have a fun blog break, see you at Found sometime!

  5. I can't wait to see the finished product. I look forward to Tuesdays just to see what you have done. I always love your choices in your decorating. In fact, I used the same green on my kitchen island that you used in your last house. Enjoy your time off!

  6. Love reading your blog every Tuesday! Enjoy your much needed rest!

  7. Cannot WAIT for the after. Those pictures are giving me the heebee-jeebees. Sorry you have to live through it! Enjoy your break...

  8. i'll be here! Breaks are healthy, refreshing, and necessary...enjoy! Wishing the best as you remodel!

  9. Enjoy the vacation. You will be missed.

  10. Ugh, kitchen Reno memories are still all too fresh in my mind. I hope it goes quickly for you! It will be so worth it in the end :)

  11. I'll be here your blog always puts a smile on my face

  12. First thing I do on Tuesdays...Now I'm going to be all messed up too! LOL :)
    Enjoy your much needed break!
    Cathy Daniels

  13. We will all miss your post and await your return. Big messes..even if for a good reason...just make me nervous! Hang in there.

  14. Will miss your humor every Tuesday!!!! It makes me smile.... Hopefully you'll be back soon! Enjoy

  15. I don't know how I found your blog-but I am glad I did. I, too, have a thing for green in
    décor and in life! I grew up in a green painted house! We had a beautiful olive green,
    elegant velvet sofa-this was the 60's! But it was so nice and soft on a harsh winter's night!
    I think you deserve a break from your blog-I want to see the kitchen when it is done!
    I know it will be a wonderful place! I don't know if I could live across the street from my
    former home like you are doing! I would not want to know about any changes they made
    since it was so great the way it was when you had it.
    Enjoy your time away from blogging!

  16. I will miss your posts, but hope you get the needed R&R!! Your pantry and hole made me smile: it means progress, right?

  17. Enjoy your time "off"!! We will all be here when you return!! :)

  18. Waiting with baited breath! ~K.

  19. I know how I feel when I re-do a room... and it's not major construction like you. Hopefully, things will go smoothly and you'll be done before you know it. Enjoy your break ~ I'll miss ya on Tuesdays.

  20. Love seeing the destruction and progress of your newest adventure but will truly miss reading you every Tuesday. Have a wonderful break and dream of all the wonderful recipes you can cook in your new kitchen.

  21. I'll be waiting, too. Can't wait to see how your house transforms.

  22. Sound good you ask? No. But enjoy your break - you deserve it for being such a good sport.

  23. Yes I'll wait. Love seeing the house(s) evolve... love seeing all the pictures - really inspiring.
    Tracey (from Downunder in NZ)

  24. We will miss you! Enjoy your break and come back better than ever! Cannot wait ti see the progress!

  25. Take care of you. We'll be here when you get back :)

  26. You go girl! We will miss you, but MAN! You've got a lot on your plate!
    Your blah will soon be blast as you decorate your new space.

    Hugs to Bullie!!!

  27. Hang in there.....your homes always look amazing when the remodel is over. I'll be here when you get back! I wouldn't miss a Tuesday with Dorie!

  28. I look forward to your posts every Tuesday. I will try to survive without them for awhile, but it will be hard :) Enjoy your break!

  29. I'll be waiting. I love your adventures! Can't wait to see some of the 'after' pictures!

  30. I will surely be around cos I can't wait to see the "after" photos. But, its good to get a break right now....relax, rejuvenate and recharge!

  31. Taking an old house and making it live again is hard and it does get bad, but it will get better, with a lot of blood, sweat and tears. We worked on an old house for four years and it was a beauty in the end but it was hard. We have been working on the house we are in now for almost 15 years and it has been hard but I know we have to do this! We just aren't new house people!! So, yes I will be here when you come back. Work hard and laugh alot. Mary Ann

  32. Looking forward to your return and hope you are enjoying the break....and recharging. Can't wait to hear what has been going on and see the progress that has been made.

  33. Hi Dori! I hope your break is restoring and motivating you. Just wanted to encourage you and let you know that I'm rootin' for you and excited to see the progress on your remodel. Lorri

  34. Hoping your enjoying your break but getting anxious for you to come back with updates!!! I would love to see your progress and miss your humor!

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