Our Past Projects

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

For now..... :)

Hey I know! Let's play pretend!!
Let's pretend I never told you I'd have pictures of my finished kitchen.
Let's pretend my 5" thick walnut top is sittin pretty on this island.
Let's pretend I don't get totally bummed out when the shop
is too busy and my job ain't top priority:(
Weeeell, since I can't show you my kitchen...I'll show you the little
bit of Halloween that has finally made it's appearance:)
Oh my goodness!! Just take a look at those adorable lil pumpkins that
I found at.....FOUND!! Duh!! :)
These pumpkins are the original Lynn Bonnell ones, with the
beautiful real stems:)
FOUND just got a new crop and they sell fast, so you might want to
git while the gittins good!!

Don't judge but....am I the only girl in the world who always thought
Frankenstein was handsome in a way??!!
I know for a fact I'm the only one in my family that thinks my freakish
vintage doll heads are cool!!
Oh my goodness look at witchy's adorable green stripey legs!!
And she has the hugest green eyes:)

Another fab velvet pumpkin.... :)

Ok, so I bought some black chalkboard paint to use on my old
outdoor chalkboard that had seen one too many days in the sun.
Anyway, after I painted it I went around wanting to paint
EVERYTHING with chalkboard paint!!
I found these old pots that I was going to throw away
and painted em up:)
Now I just got to figure out what to write on them...I'm thinking something
super original like- Boo! or the number 31.
I got me some daisy's at Trader Joe's and just cut them up and stuck
them in whatever white vases (or in this case little white creamer) I had:)

 And that's all the Halloween I got for now:)
Oh wait...speaking of Halloween, I'm seriously considering this Yoda
costume for LB...


Oh I wish I had Emoji on this keyboard! That pic would have been followed
by the crying laughing face.... :)


  1. Love the spooky decorating touches- and Yoda dog. Cracks me up, yes ;)

  2. The doll heads creeped me out... but then the yoda dog cracked me up

  3. That Yoda costume is hilarious. Your decorations all look great! I am your newest follower.


  4. I'm so glad you are back, writing to us! WhooHoo!!!!
    I put a party collar on Blu today and she ran to her cage and hasn't surfaced since. LOL

  5. I love your home. O' how I love your home!! I love your blog. I love your personality!! I'm stalking you in the nicest, non creepiest way. Cheers!

