Our Past Projects

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Adding some SAS..... :)

So hooray!! Christmas got all cleaned up and put away for another year.
Then the shock set in.
Wait. Where's all the color??
 I sure was enjoying those pops of red:)
But alas, I know myself. I know I would be driven to total madness if I
kept it around any longer.
During the clean out, I replaced the desk near the kitchen with this old cabinet.
Ooooh I love it's chippy goodness:)

I just topped it with some of my favorite treasures,
old green books, ceramic little bullies and a pearl shell that
my son gave me:) He's called me Pearl for years. Don't know why?
But I love it:)

Still need to hang the mirror, but I'm LOVING my new
kooky horse:) he's perfect atop my old buffet that I've carried
from house to house:)
What I'm NOT loving??
This couch and ottoman:(
The oatmeal has got to stop!! (shakes fists in air)
I took this pic just after LB had himself a nice long
nap on it. Yep, right there on those pillows on the right.
I thought the smushed pillows and overall
disheveled look of the couch would really add
to the "before" pic...

I found these fabrics at Rio's favorite store SAS Fabrics by the pound in Tempe.
It's craziness that place! But if you're willing to dig and find treasures amongst piles and
piles of fabrics (all while wishing you popped a Xanax beforehand) then you must check it out:)

Stay tuned!! 


  1. The fabric is lovely, and I am dying over that horse! Love, love! I feel the same way about clearing the colour- I had pops of red and a month of that was all I could take. Can't wait to see how the sofa turns out!

  2. that "chippy goodness" cabinet doesn't look good there. it hides the molding of the door frame. it's too big of a piece. you should move it because it's largeness doesn't fit that space. :)

  3. Beautiful color combination on the fabric. Getting ready to refresh around here today. Wish I had a few new pieces to pop into place, but will make some changes with what we have. Yours are beautiful!

  4. that fabric is amaze! your place is looking so pretty. thanks for showing us your messy couch, i feel like i'm the only one in my house who knows how to "fluff and straighten". ;)

  5. That "chippy goodness" is g o r g e o u s!! Beautiful fabric too....hmmm....scanning my room and getting inspired! Thank you.
    - Kate

  6. Is there a name on the floral fabric?

    1. It says the Williamsburg collection SNS Charlotte. I googled and found some here-


    2. Oh and it says it's an outdoor fabric, but I'm just making 2 pillows that my bully is going to lay all over so I'm using it indoors anyway:) I'm crazy like that.... !!!

  7. I love your style and ALWAYS look forward to your posts and pics of your great house. Ignore the negative comment.
    Your home should be in a magazine!

  8. I love the way you used the cloche' w/the bullies and books. AND I thought I was the only one who hyperventilate sat a great fabric find :-) very nice selection, love it. Suzi

  9. LOVE the fabric! Can't wait to see what you do!

  10. LOVE the fabric! Can't wait to see what you do!

  11. LOVE the fabric! Can't wait to see what you do!

  12. LOVE the fabric! Can't wait to see what you do!

  13. Your house is so beautiful and I loooove your chippy cabinet!!

  14. I think that "Chippy Goodness" wants to come live at my house because I've been looking for something like that forever! Lovely house and such pretty fabric...I'm excited to see the new developments:)

  15. Your description of how you feel in front of a bin of fabric is exactly the feeling I get when out
    junking at flea markets. Just have to take some deep breaths and focus.
    LOVE the fabrics you have shared and look forward to seeing what my friend in Arizona is
    going to do next! And that chippy goodness.....swoon!! Great piece!

    A note for Wallace: Duhgall and Fiona like to lay atop the squishy pillows....and they get
    the old "boot" as well. I think you mum is a lot more patient than me. With the new fabrics...
    and all...I believe that you, dear little man, may have to find another comfy spot to snooze in....
    just sayin'......


  16. Hi there. I'm new to your blog and loving it!

  17. LOVE the chippy cabinet!! And I love where you put it!

  18. LOVE the chippy cabinet!! And I love where you put it!

  19. You have a very pretty family room and dining room. I love your colours,and that fabric is gorgeous I love the green is so pretty with the black and white.
