Our Past Projects

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Guilt free.... :)

I buy bananas every week. Sometimes they get eaten,
and sometimes they don't:(

I finally realized that (duh) I could peel them, cut them up and 
freeze them because they make for the BEST smoothies!

Well did you know that if you take those frozen  bananas...

and throw them in a food processor with their favorite 
friend the strawberry..

and give it a spin..
(be patient, it takes longer than you think)

you end up with this delicious guilt free ice cream??!!!

then you can take that bowl of guilt free deliciousness and
head over to your favorite chair
and watch this movie...

you're welcome:)


  1. HUGE fan of bananas, strawberries, and especially Geoffrey Rush! Have you seen him in The Book Thief? Brilliant!

  2. Sounds yummy! Never thought to freeze bananas before. Great idea! My son uses them in a smoothie every morning, but haven't tried making ice cream with them. Thanks for the suggestion.

  3. Going to make this. Great idea! I'm also checking out that movie. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I'm smoothie crazed, love them and have them almost daily! Aren't they awesome and really good while watching a great movie! Will check out your recommendation~

  5. Dorie if you break them apart when you get home they last longer then staying in the bunch. I don't know why but I learned it on Pinterest.

  6. we do this with our bananas. eliza loves a thick smoothie after dance:) thanks for the movie recommendation! xo
