Our Past Projects

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Boxes and boxes and boxes.... :)

It's on.
Whyyyyy didn't I plan better???
Like sell my house in December??
It's honestly hotter that Hades here.
I sweat just looking at what has to go in these boxes....

Like SOMEBODY'S topiary hoard.
Honestly Dorie. How many topiaries do  you need?
All of them.

So quit yer complainin' and git 'em in that box!

It's about this time in every move where discouragement always 
sets in with me. I can't see the end of all the endless packing,
and I just want to cry:(

And then I say to myself,
Suck it up buttercup!
Remember where you're going....????

Ohhhh yeeeeah!!! That dreamy little town called Carpinteria:)
And then I'm all better.... :)

Hope to see you all this weekend where I'll be 
selling the stuff that doesn't make it into
those boxes.... 
Saturday 7am-10am

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The purge.... :)

Seriously. That's where I'm at.
It certainly doesn't help that I'm moving during inferno season:(

I have about 20 days left to get my you know what together.
So the purging begins...

I'm gonna throw my stuff out on the back porch on
Saturday August 2nd from 7am-10am
It's hot here people. So let's get 'er done early!!

I'll post pics next week of some of the goods up for grabs:)

Hope to see you there!
email me for  the address-

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

This is really happening.... :)

Oh wow. That was fast!
She's sold! And I couldn't be happier about 
her new family:) 
I've been praying for the perfect people to love and cherish 
this old gal...
and then there they were!
Just like that. I probably should have asked the Lord for
a little more time? hahaha!! but as we all know..
it's in HIS time:)

When we left for Cali, the bathroom was not yet finished.
Like we were driving away while the plumber was there installing the
faucet! So Rio sent me these pics last night so I could
see the finished product.

Who are we kidding here.
I needed something to blog about!!

I'm loving how this turned out! 
The mini subway is adorable:)

You want to see this house up close and personal?
Well now is your chance.
Even though she's sold we are going to go ahead
and do the open house!

And yes of course! the sweet ladies at Waffle Love
will be there selling their ridiculously
delicious waffles:)

And hey! the waffles are going to be 50% off!
Courtesy of all of us here at Project Beautify:)
You're sooo welcome!!

This Friday the 18th from 9am-1pm
142 W. 2nd St.
Mesa, AZ 85201

Hope to see you there!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Bathroom update.... :)

Oh boy. 
This bathroom has come a long way baby!

We started by moving the bathtub to the other side of the room.
With it being where it was before, the water from the shower was
completely rotting the window trim:(

So moving it to the other side made waaay more sense! 
Just white simple subway tile, it's my favorite:)

With the window being in the middle of the wall, and the sink centering
under it,we needed to get
creative with the mirrors.
We did these shallow medicine cabinets that go from 
counter top to ceiling, and did a mirrored window
looking door:)

We kept the old door of course!

The back splash, sink faucet and hardware get installed tomorrow!
And you know what else happens tomorrow?
We get to head out for a two month vacay/house hunt in Ventura!!
I got butterflies.... :)

We will come back for the weekend of July 18th though..
Why you say?
Because we're going to have an open house here with our
friends from Waffle Luv!!
Yep, waffles and a house tour!
Are you coming??

July 18th 9am-1pm

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Fun and games... :)

It's crazy town over here.
It's been a houseful of painters, electricians, AC guys, 
and peeing like a ninja because the roofer guys are working
just outside your only working bathroom's
(with no curtain!!) window!!
So not fun.

In stressful times like these, I find myself wanting to completely
escape reality and spend copious amounts of time playing
ridiculous games on my iPad.

My newest guilty pleasure?
 The Kardashians.
Yeah you read that right.
Come on!! I said I need an escape!!
And hey, you have no idea how much laser beam focus
this takes to concentrate while generators, nail guns and
Mexican music (which I love btw) are blaring 
around you!! hee hee hee

I found these old pics of the house on my iPad
and thought we could play a game of our own!
A game called-

You crazy.

You crazy for buying that place, and even
crazier for selling it.

Bars on the porch, two front doors, cracked and stained concrete,
4!! yes 4 layers of roof, and somewhere behind that overgrown
bush is a window. 




Yes. That is in fact where they kept their trash cans.




That tree is actually a very old pittosporum!!




Let's play another game!
Let's see who can send me a buyer for this place the fastest!!
Ready! Set!! Go!!!