Our Past Projects

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The giving of thanks.... :)

No I haven't started decorating for Christmas.
I don't know, call me crazy but- I like to do
one holiday at a time people!!

While I don't have a whole lot of Thanksgiving decor,  what I
do have... I love:)

I still love my velvet pumpkins, and this wheat stalk bunch that I've 
had for years:)
That glass lamp is perfect for holding a faux pumpkin on a 
candle base:)

And just because it's sooo pretty I gotta show ya....

The hubby went to the hardware store the other day (that just so happens
to have the most adorable nursery in it) and brought home this begonia
for me. He's a keeper. I'm hoping I'll be able to keep it alive??!!

Tips on begonia's would be very much appreciated:)

Okay. This adorable stuffed turkey. My mom made this back in the 70's,
and I remember seeing it every Thanksgiving since I was little.
His thread bare gobbler just keeps hangin' on year after year:)

So this is random I know, but has anyone tasted these??
Well I did...
and I found them to be...
sooooo GROSS!!!!!
I was so bummed! I really want to fit in with the cool kids
and like all things pumpkin, but ewwwah!!

Every year at this time I think that I just might come across
something pumpkin that I like.
Hasn't happened... :(

I find the only pumpkin thing  I really like is pumpkin pie!!
Straight up, plain, original, old school pumpkin pie.

 I KNOW there's a chance I could lose followers
over this one but I got to say....

I think pumpkin spice lattes are....
GROSS too!!!!!

(queue crowd of gaspers)

Did she? Did she just?? No, really.
Did. she. just. say. that????

Uh huh. She said that.


  1. I am with you, pumpkin pie is the only pumpkin I like too. I find the rest of it unappetizing, think we will get kicked out of blog land now?

  2. I have that same stuffed turkey only the orangey thing hanging off the beak is missing! I think one of our girls pulled it off when they were little. I still love it! I love pumpkin pie, but can't do a pumpkin latte with the gingerbread spice in it and definitely not a fan of the pumpkin pie coffee (fake) creamer, just saying....nasty! Haven't been brave enough to try a pumpkin (pop tarty) pastry.

  3. I feel the same way about pumpkin! I don't even really like pumpkin pie all that much, I will eat it, but give me pecan or apple any day over pumpkin. And pumpkin spice lattes, like you said, GROSS. Sorry, Starbucks.

  4. Pumpkin pasta, pumpkin peanut butter, pumpkin everything...its disgusting! My brother and I had an in depth conversation about how pumpkin belonged in a pie and nothing else. I started taking pictures of ridiculous random pumpkin grossness and sending them to him! I love cute little white pumpkins to decorate with, found some awesome funky shaped ones this year and they looked precious sitting around...but to eat, in or on everything...eeewww...
    And as a side note, can I just tell you that Tuesdays are pretty boring, except that I know its a Tuesdays with Dorrie kind of day! Thank you for posting! Love from freezing cold Georgia!

  5. You're in an area, right by the ocean, that begonias love-love-love and they should thrive especially outside on a patio. Lucky you!

  6. Oh NO! I have to say that I absolutely LOVE most anything with pumpkin or ginger. (Cue the gingerbread man) But I do love your style so I think we could still be friends...... just sayin'. Happy Tuesday!

  7. I eat nothing with pumpkin or pumpkin flavoring. Sorry, but I literally gag... I concentrate on apple flavors during fall. Love the turkey your mom made - that's a great Thanksgiving memory.

  8. MOM!!!! How dare you!!!!! Maybe you are not truly my mother...... Or maybe your hate of pumpkin has made me LOVE pumpkin!!!! Anywho you CRAY! I just had my PSL (pumpkin spice latte) if your gonna be a hater know the lingo, with a pumpkin bread, wearing my pumpkin sweater with my pumpkin flavored lipgloss 😂😂😂 JK, but for realsies, I am so embarrassed that you don't love pumpkin!

  9. I saw that same stuffed turkey at our thrift store this morning!!!!

  10. Just started following you last week and love love love your decorating style! We already something in common. But, I am a mountain, snow loving girl!
    I agree with Rio...bring on most everything pumpkin!
    I feel like I have made a new friend! P.S. my great grandmother's name was Dorie!

  11. haha, I bought those same poptarts, they werent gross, but they werent awesome either, actually kinda bland. I do like Starbucks Pumpkin Frappucino though. Ohhh and I love Pumpkin and dark chocolate homemade muffins(I buy them in Cali, but havent tried making my own) I need to try. But cant go wrong with PIE!

  12. Now Dorie.....I got a wonderful Pumpkin Muffin recipe from your post a couple weeks ago!

  13. ha ha ha I love your daughter's response! Rio we could sooooo be friends! Love me all things pumpkin, my favourite is making a pumpkin smoothie!! Wish in Canada we were still onto fall decor, but we are full on in Christmas mode. I'm not ready!! And your hutch I have the exact same one, only a little bigger (I have 3 doors) and mine is painted your fav colour - green! Wish I could upload a photo here to show you!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  14. I hate anything pumpkin. It's gross and overused, lol. Love your home and style! Love Carpinteria and I was just there twice last week- helping a friend remodel her kitchen. Went to the beach right after the big storm for driftwood. I'm not far from you- in Agoura Hills. :-)
