Our Past Projects

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday.... :)

So guess who came into town yesterday??
My mama:)
She's going to be here for 5 fabulous days
and I'm sooo happy!!

Within hours she was busy in the kitchen.
We started with a breakfast of tamales and eggs with green chilies:)
Then she moved on to making...

Ceviche for lunch!!
How awesome is that??

We ended the night with a dinner of roasted chicken,
and a trip to McConnell's ice cream in Santa Barbara:)

All day I kept saying the same thing-
What am I going to blog about?
Oooh I have to blog today!
Seriously, what am I going to blog about??
And then I remembered... Duh!!

Today is my most sweetest and wonderful mama's birthday!
She shares this birthday with my most sweetest and wonderful daughter Rio:)
I get to spend the say with the BOTH of them!!!

Seriously, how awesome is that?


  1. That ceviche looks amazing. Do you have a recipe? Or is it make it as you go?

  2. Happy Birthday Mama & Happy Birthday Rio ~ I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!

    Mama ~ will you please share your Ceviche recipe? =)

  3. I just love your sweet mom! Happy Birthday to Rio and your mom!

  4. Your mama's wonderful cooking topped off with a visit to McConnell's sounds perfect.

    Our son is getting married in July and they have decided not to have a cake. They are going to have a McConnell's ice cream bar instead!

  5. Yum can I come over? I'll bring the cake. :)

  6. Happiest of birthday wishes to your beautiful mother and daughter!

  7. Yum, tamales and ceviche and roast chicken. Your mom can come and stay with us any time she wants! Happy birthday to your mom and daughter!

  8. I would also love to have Ceviche recipe! Do share it here with us. Next month it’s my birthday and I want to celebrate it memorably. We were planning to book one of party space rentals in Brooklyn but cancelled the plan due to some reasons. Now will be hosting it at home and I think Ceviche would be a great item in party menu.
