Our Past Projects

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Just imagine.... :)

So here's the only tree I have in my backyard. 
It's a beauty:)
And it bears some tasty goodness.

 Like a ton of goodness.
We literally can not keep up with the amount
of avocados that this tree so sweetly gives us:)
Here's just some of what fell in a matter of 2 days!

 On the back side of the trunk of that tree is this little crevice
that just got me thinking...

You see when I was little, I would look at places in the yard (my
mom grew amazing plants) and 
just imagine that  little tiny people lived in there
amongst all the plants and it was like
their enchanted forest. Like I just KNEW they did. 

Fast forward some 40+ years and here I am,
still wanting to believe that:)

"there is no life I know to compare with pure imagination
living there, you'll be free if you
really wish to be"
-Willy Wonka

My cousin and his precious littles are going to be visiting
us this week, so that kind of gave me the push that I 
needed to do what I've been wanting to do since...

Plant a fairy garden!!!
At first it was just me and the hubby,
and then Ryne came over,

and then before I knew it the whole fam damily was 
taking over joining in on the fun:)

So here's what I got so far:)
And I say so far because you guys....!!!
this little garden is just about the cutest thing ever
and I'm already dreaming about how 
much more I could do to it!!

Like I'm thinking that the path to the tree needs
a door at the end of it...
and windows in the tree...
and a mailbox....

Now if only I could find some tiny people to live in there.....


  1. oooohhh I have been wanting to do this forever but I get so overwhelmed with all the choices of tiny decorations and can't make up my mind! Yours is adorable!

  2. That is adorable! My girls would love it, we made a fairy garden this Summer but t was not nearly that adorable :)

  3. Very cute! I made my garden in a small galvanized container. My little people are three gnomes and 2 fairies. One fairy sits on a tire swing and the other has her legs dangling in the stream (blue rocks).

  4. Soooo sweet!!! I've been wanting to make a fairy garden for years too! Maybe this will be the year?

  5. I love our fairy garden. It's so magical. Yours is darling!

  6. Staaaaahppp! So dang cute! Now I have fairy-garden envy. Didn't even know I needed one until now! Seriously precious.

  7. That is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen in my whole life!

  8. OMG this is so pretty. Cutest thing ever. I have been reading your blog for about a year now and never comment, but you guy's do amazing, beautiful things.

  9. too stinkin' cute! I've got to copy....

  10. I love your blog and stop in from time to time to catch up on your latest adventures. You've a cool new place! Love your style!

  11. Oh my goodness I just adore the faery garden. They did a beautiful job making it.
