Our Past Projects

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The little green book... :)

One day last week, Rog and I decided to play hookie and head to
Summerland and check out some antique stores that I've been
wanting to wander in since I moved here.

I came across this GORGEOUS green secretary.
It stopped me dead in my tracks.
Mama wants.
But with a price tag of I can't even remember because it was somewhere in
the ballpark of what? for reals??
 this green piece of ridiculous beauty had to be left behind....

I did however come home with this adorable little green book.
You all know my love of old green books:)
This little gem is called 
The Golden Book of Modern English Poetry.
It was published in 1922. I'm pretty sure I whispered something
like "oh hello little adorable green poetry book,
you're coming home with mama."

 I started reading aloud the minute we got in the car.
I totally channeled my inner Colonel Brandon (RIP) whilst
reading to Rog. He was totally into it!
I'm totally lying.
He was NOT into it.
Maybe because these poems went all Edgar Allen Poe 
on me. I wish you could have seen Rog's face.
I was dying laughing because he was hating it so much.

But did I stop reading??
Of course not!
You can't hear him here, but he was pretty much
begging me to stop.

I couldn't. Because there's one thing that I find 
the most fun ever.
Bugging him.
It's awesome because he so annoyed but he
still smiles and laughs at me:)
and that just cheers me on.
hee hee hee

He just doesn't appreciate such eloquent words...
He writes this kind of poetry:)

So I turned to the one man in my life that was sure to 
listen and LOVE it.

Yeah that went well....


  1. Haha... you guys are so cute.

    Do any of you other readers say to yourself.... it's Tuesday ~ it's Tuesday ~~ Dorie posts today? HA!! Maybe it's just me. ;)

    1. Nope, it's not just you Reenie. :D Dorie, you make my Tuesdays. I'm not sure what my husband would do if I tried reading that to him. Probably stop after every other word and say "can you google and let me know what that even means???" lol

    2. Yeap, I do too. Love, love her posts.

  2. Oh, and Rog's note.... love it!!! :)

  3. Thanks for my weekly fix. Don't know what I would do without you and Rog.

  4. I am seriously laughing out loud reading your post. You crack me up!!!! I love it!!! :)
