Our Past Projects

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

We are family.... :)

This guy right here.
He's been in my life longer than he hasn't.
And I wouldn't have it any other way:)
This last week we celebrated our 29th! can you believe it??
I can:)

We went to our favorite date place for dinner,
Plow & Angel at San Ysidro Ranch in Montecito.
We sat at our favorite table right there in front of that roaring fire,
and it was... perfect:)

The best thing though???
He surprised me with something that was going to 
complete a certain little family...
You guys know what I'm talkin' bout!!

You can imagine me squealing like a little school girl.

I gots the whole fam damily now people!!!

I do need to figure out a better to display these prickly cuties, but
for now- me so so very happy!!


  1. You crack me up!!!! Happy Anniversary! I will be celebrating my 29th wedding anniversary on 3/28!

  2. Ha!! Cute ~ ~ Happy Anniversary!!!


  3. Happy Anniversary!! :) The best presents are the ones that come from true love and thoughtfulness. Just like your little puffer mama. :D You definitely have a keeper. The hubby and the fish. ;)

  4. happy anniversary.thank you for sharing pics of that little prickly family..

  5. Congrats!


  6. First, we haunt the same neighborhoods ... And second, have had and loved a puff fish! I mean, twinsies, right??
    Hope your are having a ball down under.


  7. It’s in reality a great and useful piece of information.
