Our Past Projects

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

They know me.... :)

Sooo well!! Boy! my kiddies did good for their mama this year for Christmas!!
Ryne got me this bully shirt from Anthro. How cute is that?! And he paired it with some
fab black earrings. Yeah, I was shocked:)
Rio had her friend Trista Ironside do this amazing pencil sketch of none other
than Mr. Wallace himself. If you want Trista's info, email me:) Rio said her pencils of people
 are sooo good:)
I hung my sweet pic here in the "entry" (haha) of the little tiny:)
A verrry happy 2013 to you and yours!!
 I'm soo looking forward to what lies ahead, and hoping to be able to share some great news
with you all soon! No. Not preggers. Never. Ever again.
But here's a hint....

Cross your fingers!!! :)


  1. Eeeeh, excited to find out!
    What sweet, thoughtful gifts from your family! I hope you have a happy new year!

  2. Oooh, I can't wait...my fingers are crossed! Your kids did good :) Happy New Year!

  3. My family did great this year too! Love the drawing! Can't wait to hear the news!

  4. Awww....your kids are so sweet! Do they know you well or what? Love the drawing and the shirt. The drawing is perfect in the foyer area like that. I'm guessing you've found another home to work your magic. Am I right??? Looking forward to seeing what happens in 2013!

  5. Happy New Year! Great gifts, the drawing is beautiful!
    Can't wait to hear what the news is!

  6. I will check back often to see what you
    are going to share! Everyone wants to hear
    GOOD news! I am not going to re-hab any more
    homes. I am still working on my Florida
    cottage and once the kids move out-this place
    will be too big. I am sort of wishing for a
    smaller place to start over in...someday!

  7. It may be late but I'd still like to extend my greeting. Happy New Year to you and to your family! I can't wait to hear the news! You have sweet kids, they really know you well. And Trista's hand drawing is so beautiful.
