Our Past Projects

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The deal.... :)

I lived the last 46 years of my life in Mesa, Arizona.
 I had my pick of like 4 different Targets and 
the best TJ Maxx Home Goods evah just 
a short drive from home.

And then I moved....
The closest Target is about 25 minutes away, and that's not
so bad. But TJ??? I think the closest one is an hour and
a half away:( :( :( and it's not a Home Goods :( :( :(

Now you have to understand, these stores were my go to places.
Ya know what I mean? Like there's pretty much nothing in the world
that I couldn't find in either of them!

You can start rolling your eyes about now...
because I was really kind of freaking out! 

Well one morning when I was walking Wallace and wondering to myself
how I was going to tackle this first world problem-
I nearly stepped on this piece of paper.

Love Carpinteria 
I seriously was laughing to myself. 

I happened to live in the sweetest town with the most 
adorable little shops full of goodies carefully picked
out by their hardworking owners:)

This Saturday is Small Business Saturday.
It's a day that encourages holiday shoppers to hit the brick and mortar
businesses that are small and local.

No one better understands this concept than the gals at 
Restylesource, a guide to all things local!!
You guys want eye candy? Oh my. Go look.
Restylesource strongly believes that supporting local businesses
keeps our communities vibrant, healthy and strong:)
And I have to agree!!

 I went out and snapped some pics of just a few of my
fave little stores downtown here in Carp:)

This store was one of the first places I went into when I moved here.
And you know what? the next time I went in, the gal there
remembered me!!!
I loved that:)

I'm kinda regretting I didn't take these lil guys
home with me:(

I LOVE this little store!! And Daniel..what a sweetheart!
It's full of soaps, lotions, candles and some
fab robes and jammies!!

I had to take a pic of this adorable lady.
I mean, look at her collar! And just imagine this-
she walked over to this shelf and said "well look 
at these chaps!" in the sweetest accent.
I was dying. and staring. and wanting to beg her to be my friend.

Oh this store...
The owners are this sweet young couple with an eye
for goodies:) and always up for good conversation.
I love that:)

And I want that sweater.

And there's a big chance I'm gonna have this someday soon.
The owner's friend makes them:)

This store has been here in Carp for over 40 years.
In 1985 they were chosen the "Official Mint of the 50th Presidential Inauguration".
You walk in and immediately smell their homemade fudge.

You know what else you'll smell?
Fresh popcorn:)
Imagine me driving a stick shift while enjoying this yumminess 
on the way home:)

I practically begged this woman to hire me... for free:)
This store is just so fun to walk around in and you WILL
want to have a party. I mean come on! I NEED that teepee!!

I've really come to love this shopping local. I love the chatting, 
the familiar faces of the employees, 
the experience you get when
you walk in a store and leave with a new friend:) 

So if you want to sleep in a tent in the parking lot of Best Buy to get that
deal on Friday, then do it!
But come Saturday? Think outside the box!!
Get out and hit up your local mom and pop shops.

Personally, I think it's a waaay better deal:)

Happy Thanksgiving!! 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The giving of thanks.... :)

No I haven't started decorating for Christmas.
I don't know, call me crazy but- I like to do
one holiday at a time people!!

While I don't have a whole lot of Thanksgiving decor,  what I
do have... I love:)

I still love my velvet pumpkins, and this wheat stalk bunch that I've 
had for years:)
That glass lamp is perfect for holding a faux pumpkin on a 
candle base:)

And just because it's sooo pretty I gotta show ya....

The hubby went to the hardware store the other day (that just so happens
to have the most adorable nursery in it) and brought home this begonia
for me. He's a keeper. I'm hoping I'll be able to keep it alive??!!

Tips on begonia's would be very much appreciated:)

Okay. This adorable stuffed turkey. My mom made this back in the 70's,
and I remember seeing it every Thanksgiving since I was little.
His thread bare gobbler just keeps hangin' on year after year:)

So this is random I know, but has anyone tasted these??
Well I did...
and I found them to be...
sooooo GROSS!!!!!
I was so bummed! I really want to fit in with the cool kids
and like all things pumpkin, but ewwwah!!

Every year at this time I think that I just might come across
something pumpkin that I like.
Hasn't happened... :(

I find the only pumpkin thing  I really like is pumpkin pie!!
Straight up, plain, original, old school pumpkin pie.

 I KNOW there's a chance I could lose followers
over this one but I got to say....

I think pumpkin spice lattes are....
GROSS too!!!!!

(queue crowd of gaspers)

Did she? Did she just?? No, really.
Did. she. just. say. that????

Uh huh. She said that.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

This week.... :)

We passed!!!
You have no idea how stressed out I was watching that lady at 
the DMV correct my test!! 
I missed three. 
One question that I knew I was going to get wrong because I had no idea what the answer was,   something about-
what is the fine if you abandon an animal in a neighborhood?
Umm, I don't know? Life imprisonment? Death???
It should be.

Speaking of animals abandoned in neighborhoods...

Meet Jack. Rio found him clinging to life laying in the
road in her neighborhood 6 years ago:(

Yesterday while we were face timing, she told me how she's decided to
learn to crochet. Yeah, she just teaches herself this
stuff. She calls YouTube the new college:)

Anyway....she whipped up this sweater DRESS for 
Jack. Yeah, he's a boy and I swear he's
giving me the stink eye because I'm dying laughing at him.

The best part is that pom pom collar can be pulled up
into a hoodie. Poor Jack, except for the fact that he's always cold I'm
pretty sure he wouldn't be caught dead in this in front of his friends....

What else.... oh yeah-
I dropped my phone:( :( :(
I've had an iPhone since they came out
and luckily I've never had this happen.
Sure put a damper on my Scramble with friends game:(
Yes I still play that game. But only with my brother in law.
And only because both of us are too stubborn to quit!!

Last Wednesday my sweet baby Wallace had a tumor removed
from his back leg. I sprung for the "upgraded" cone that he is supposed to
wear for the next 10 days until his stitches come out, and I thought
he'd be so happy about that??

He's not happy.
He's annoyed.
He won't even look at me.

Of course I think he looks like the most adorable 
little Frenchie that I ever did see!!

His surgery was successful!! so Little Bully will be
free of that stinkin cone before too long:)

Life is good:)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Fall back... :)

Daylight savings time. I've never had to deal with it in my entire life.
See in AZ we had all the daylight in the world!!
Never changed our clocks.
Fall back what? huh? 
It's this trick that everyone in the country buys into except for Arizona.
(and Hawaii apparently)

 But I'll tell ya what? When I got up this morning I felt like I had so much 
extra time!! hahahaha!!
Time enough to do some bakin' anyway!!

My friend Marni posted a pic of these muffins on Instagram the other day,
and they looked so tasty I had to make 'em:)

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

1 cup canned solid-pack pumpkin
1/3 cup vegetable oil
2 large eggs
1 tsp. pumpkin-pie spice
1 1/4 cups sugar
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 cup chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350. 
Whisk together pumpkin, oil, eggs, pumpkin-pie spice, sugar, baking soda and salt
in a large bowl until smooth. Add flour and baking powder and whisk
together just until combined.

Add chocolate chips. I used more than half a cup of course.
Because more is more better:)

Stick those beauties in the oven for 25-30 minutes.

Soo easy and soo delicious!!

Daylight savings time...such trickery!
But I'm liking it!!