Our Past Projects

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Monday's are for.... :)

This never happens ever.
Rog stayed home sick with a cold.
He never gets sick, so for him to actually stay home
on the couch in a blanket, well- this cold has been a doozy:(

Normally Mondays are my "house day". Meaning, I stay home and
clean, do laundry and grocery shop.
Well not today.
Today I played nurse.
In between chicken soup and Theraflu deliveries 
I decided to play handyman too.
It was that or sit and watch Escape from Alcatraz....

I tackled that blank wall on the left there behind the chair.

I opened up my trusty pink tool kit that my father in law bought me
years ago. Over the years some of the tools have gone missing, (RIO!!)
but for the most part it still does the job:)

You see this? It's a guitar hanging thingy. For my birthday like forever ago,
Rog took me to an Alison Krauss concert. They were auctioning off an 
autographed guitar and that sweet man o' mine won it for me:)
We got to go back stage and meet her (she's TINY and so adorable!) and the whole
band from Union Station and take pics and all:)
Super cool.

                        Not cool? My hair back then. It was super short. It really accentuated 
my super round face. I don't even know what I was thinking.
Alison rocked that 'do. 
Me? Not so much.
I really can't talk about it. Or look at those pictures
without cringing. A bad haircut won't ruin your life,
but it will ruin every pic you took while you had it!!

let's move on shall we??

Well ever since that night I'm thinking 20 years ago? that
guitar has been in a case in storage.
Until now:)

NO I didn't actually measure anything! That's just silliness!
You see, I have a level in my eye. Yep! I was born that way.
My hubby is totally jealous of it. 
And my pink tool box.
I took this pic for giggles:)

The entire time I was hanging this stuff, Rog was giving
me pointers from the couch. 
Good thing because this girl with the pink tools 
was kinda freaking out when I realized this 
wall was plaster.

But I did it!!

I'm thinking I should find that old pic of me and Alison and my
hideous haircut and frame it. And hang it up there by that
guitar just for giggles.
LOTS of giggles.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Freshen up.... :)

Oh man this weather. It's been absolutely beautiful and sunny 
here. I'm loving the windows open and the
fresh air. This time of year always
 makes me want to freshen up the

I'll tell you what, the ole Ikea Backabro slipcover has seen 
better days and sure could use some freshening up:( 

This couch gets a whole lotta use. It doesn't help that
 SOMEONE I know likes to lounge
on it too, instead of his bed sitting there all lonely
on the floor....

Well Ikea decided not to make the backabro anymore, and that really
stinks because that means no more slipcovers either:(
Lame right?
I found a slipcover on eBay a while back, and I've
 been waiting as long as I could to use it
since it's going to be harder and harder to find them.

Look at Little Bully he's like huh?? seriously??
This is really happening??
I'm so excited to have a fresh slipcover to wipe
all my frenchie boogers on!!
He's so gross.
But so stinkin adorable too:)

I got all kinds of visitors coming in March so I figured
now's the time to finally open the box I've been hanging
on to for so long, and put that new slipcover on already!!

Oh! check out my new favorite thing...

I found this tea towel in Ojai a few weeks back.
I put it in a frame from Target.
I love it:)

Looking forward to hanging with my peeps.
All crammed together.
On my new slipcovered couch:)

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Brain fry.... :(

The day after the Super Bowl feast got me feeling all like...

Let's just say I didn't chow down on salad, or anything remotely
green for that matter.
Chase and I cooked and went to town on all things worthy
of sitting on the couch and watching football.

How do I segue...
How do I segue...
Gaaaa!! shakes fists in air!!
I can't think of a way to transition to the following pics,
so you know what?? I'm not going to!! 
Cause I'm a rule breaker like that!!
(and my brain is as fried as the chips I ate on Sunday...)

So I went to check out the progress of our Coronado property
yesterday because Rog said the back splash tile was in.
You guyzzzzuh! I'm in love:)

This is the 1920's little Spanish cutie in Ventura.
This old gal was screaming for a 
a black metal hood in the kitchen:)

  How bout that front door color eh?!
The entire house is white with stained window
trim so I thought it needed a pop of color:)

More original hardware:)

Not too sure how to end this post...
Ugh! I need to eat a salad!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The little green book... :)

One day last week, Rog and I decided to play hookie and head to
Summerland and check out some antique stores that I've been
wanting to wander in since I moved here.

I came across this GORGEOUS green secretary.
It stopped me dead in my tracks.
Mama wants.
But with a price tag of I can't even remember because it was somewhere in
the ballpark of what? for reals??
 this green piece of ridiculous beauty had to be left behind....

I did however come home with this adorable little green book.
You all know my love of old green books:)
This little gem is called 
The Golden Book of Modern English Poetry.
It was published in 1922. I'm pretty sure I whispered something
like "oh hello little adorable green poetry book,
you're coming home with mama."

 I started reading aloud the minute we got in the car.
I totally channeled my inner Colonel Brandon (RIP) whilst
reading to Rog. He was totally into it!
I'm totally lying.
He was NOT into it.
Maybe because these poems went all Edgar Allen Poe 
on me. I wish you could have seen Rog's face.
I was dying laughing because he was hating it so much.

But did I stop reading??
Of course not!
You can't hear him here, but he was pretty much
begging me to stop.

I couldn't. Because there's one thing that I find 
the most fun ever.
Bugging him.
It's awesome because he so annoyed but he
still smiles and laughs at me:)
and that just cheers me on.
hee hee hee

He just doesn't appreciate such eloquent words...
He writes this kind of poetry:)

So I turned to the one man in my life that was sure to 
listen and LOVE it.

Yeah that went well....