Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Adios..... :)

I've been thinking about this for a while now.
I don't really have a good reason, but I woke
up this morning and thought...
it's time.

It's time for me to say goodbye to this blog.

I've been blogging for SEVEN YEARS people!!
Some of you have been there since the very beginning
and I'm so grateful for that!! Your support kept me going:)

Not sure if this is just for now?
(I mean I did just buy doriesstories.com just in case! hahaha!!)
But it just feels right.

A huge heartfelt thank you to you all for reading and commenting
on all my silliness for all these years.
You have no idea how many times your sweet comments made me
smile during some of the worst times of my life.
Really. Thank you:)
....and now I'm crying:(



  1. I'm so sad, I love your blog, style and humor. Best of luck in your future adventures.

  2. Oh my goodness. I've enjoyed your blog so much and have learned so much from you. When our home flooded and we were forced to remodel I used your home as inspiration. :) Thank you for sharing your world. I'll miss you. Best of everything to you and your family.

  3. :( I come to your blog every Tuesday morning...it's been a ritual for me for years. Your homes have been an inspiration to me, and I have been eager to see how your Ventura projects turn out. You will be missed!

    1. Hi Valerie! You can still keep up with our Ventura projects on Instagram at @project_beautify and I'm @tuesdayswithdorieann or our website project beautify.com

  4. I stumbled upon your blog maybe two years ago. I've truly enjoyed reading your posts and have marveled over your home renos. Fingers crossed that you continue to share your home makeovers, whether it be on another blog or instagram. I'll greatly miss reading this blog and wish you nothing but happiness! :)

    1. Hi Jen! I will continue to share our homes on Instagram- @project_beautify and mine is @tuesdayswithdorieann and on our website project beautify.com

  5. I am SO Sad!!! I seriously look forward to Tuesday mornings to read your thoughts and view the absolutely beautiful pictures you always post! I understand your decision....I'm just so sad to see you go! I will miss you!!! goodysgirlblog.com

  6. Tuesdays just won't be the same. Let's not say goodbye, but, perhaps, later......
    Thank you so much for all the inspiration. There was not really another blog out there like yours.

    1. Thank you Suzy! Yes, for now.... who knows how long I'll be able to stay away.... :)

  7. Darn! I love your blog and all of the beautiful pictures of your renovations but I can certainly understand your decision. Thank you for all the wonderful inspiration these past seven years!

    1. Thank you Angie for all the years of reading! Makes it all worth while:)

  8. Oh Dorie, I hate reading this but I know my blogging has slowed down and I've been blogging almost 9 years now. You have always been an inspiration and love your humor and little bully! I hope after a little time off you might feel the urge to rejoin the blogging community. Please don't take your blog down so many others can enjoy looking back at your beautiful homes.

    Best of luck and check in from time to time!

    1. Hi Judy! Thank you for reading, I'm planning on leaving this blog up because who knows...I just might not be able to stay away from it... :)

  9. Well, that makes me sad. You were one of my favorite things about Tuesdays. Best of Luck.

    1. Thank you for your sweet words and for reading!

  10. No no no! Say it ain't so!!! I LOVE Tuesdays!!! First YHL and now you? 😢😢😢

  11. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! :(

  12. Boo! Tuesdays won't be the same without you!

  13. I have looked forward to your TUESDAY posts for so long.........you will be missed. ENJOY!!!

  14. Same as all the above comments...NO!!! I started reading you while we lived in Gilbert, Arizona, and have continued even after we moved back to Wyoming.

    Maybe Rio would be interested in starting a blog! Someone is now probably going to tell me she already has one:(

    Best of luck to you!

    1. Hahaha!! Rio always said she was going to start a blog called The real Tuesdays with Dorie!! Where she would share all my meltdowns that went along with blogging! hehehehe!! You can keep up with us on Instagram- @project_beautify or mine is @tuesdayswithdorieann or you can check out our website projectbeautify.com !

  15. But now I have a question. Will we still be able to access this website? Or is it going away too?

    1. I'm going to leave this blog up, not going away any time soon:)

  16. Ahhhh Missy the end to a great era. I am sure something will pop up down the road that you just won't be able to hold inside. In the mean time maybe you can help Brina with her blog as she travels and adventures her way towards you all. Love you, love your fam, see you soon.

  17. I will miss seeing your beautiful remodels. I always looked forward to Tuesdays and your posts. Best of everything.

  18. I'm so sorry but understand. I found you shortly before your move and always looked forward to your posts. Enjoy your freedom, miss us a little and live a lot. Thanks for the great posts.

    Barbara H.

  19. I will miss seeing your renos and hearing about your family....all the best...Instagram

    1. Yes! Instagram is @project_beautify and mine is @tuesdayswithdorieann our website is projectbeautify.com where we have all our before and afters:)

  20. ...Until we meet again! ;) I have loved every post you've ever written. And I will always be grateful for the inspiration to say "if not now, then when???" I followed my dream and am loving it all. I haven't looked back and my husband and I are truly loving where we are now! Thank you!! And I'll miss you, Dorie!!!!!! Nancy

    1. Yay Nancy!! We'll just say see ya later:) you can keep up with me on Instagram- @tuesdayswithdorieann that is WHEN I post. I have to get better about it.... :)

  21. It's funny. When people write blogs, readers such as myself begin to depend on them. There were a few blogs when my Mom was ill with cancer that I could count on to help me through. Tuesday's was indeed with Dorie. Because of you, Tuesday has been house cleaning day...ok...if not cleaning..at least dusting....I would look at your pictures...turn around and look at my dust bunny condos and think..ENOUGH....and a few "hours" later..ahem...it was clean. Your blog had me smiling, laughing, decorating, thinking and just feeling good. My Mom didn't win her battle with cancer. So no matter how much all of us are going to miss you...you get out there and do what you need to do...and who knows...maybe one day you'll be back....so untill then...Thank you...Thank you so very much...
    Geneen Cook

  22. No!!!! Tuesdays were my favorite day ever. I will miss you, your reno's, your family, even that little scene stealing dog! You must instagram more!! All my best.

    1. Ok FINE! You're right, I must Instagram more! Gaaaaaa!!!

  23. I'm a reader, not usually a commenter, but every Tuesday I go to your blog before I do anything else. You've got some serious style - both in your decorating and in your writing. I hope you'll decide to come back someday and if you do, I'm sure we'll all still be waiting! Enjoy yourself in the meantime. Thanks for everything you've shared!

    1. Thank you sweet Betsy! Yeah, maybe a big long break is all I need? who knows... thank you so much for your support in reading about my crazy world:)

  24. I am so sad Dorie! I have been thinking you are on to a whole new journey! Congrats!
    How can we still see the houses you are working on? Also I was hoping you would do future posts on your future home! You have delighted me and I have asked my gal pals to read your blog! Enjoy your life-hugs to you and your cute family!

    1. Hi JolieAnne!! You can see our current projects in Instagram- @project_beautify and mine is @tuesdayswithdorieann or you can check out our website projectbeautify.com thank you and your gals for reading!!

  25. Wow, I feel so lucky to have enjoyed Tuesdays for so long because of you! What a beautiful life and perspective you have shared. Thank you!!!

    1. Thank you blissedlife! It was a fun ride:) thank you so much for sharing it with me!

  26. Although I was a late fan of your blog (somehow it took me waaaayyy too long to discover you), you have been the highlight of my Tuesdays. Your family, travels, projects, well your entire life that you have shared with us, has become so very important to me. Ok, darn, now you have me tearing up. Anyway, you will be so missed. I can only wish you the very best and hope that down the road you come back to blogland. Be safe, be happy and know that you are loved......by all of your fans and followers.

    1. Thank you Susan! I certainly feel the love:) there's always that chance that I'll return... ya never know:)

  27. Well HELL? Now I am tearing up.
    Your blog always.....and I do mean always cheers me up and allows me to see things I would not normally have the opportunity to see.

    You are my shoe maven!!!!! LOL. And I love what you guys stand for........and do.
    I will surely miss you and your absolutely terrific wit.
    Vaya con Dios!

    1. Thank you Ter'e!! I'll now have more time to collect more shoes....!! LOL!!
      xoxox right back at ya!

  28. Well, I am just so disappointed! I actually found you just prior to your last trip. I read the entire blog and by the time I finished, I was hooked! I couldn't wait for you to get back from your vacation. So when you returned I wanted to jump up and down with excitement. I was still basking in the glow of your return and ..now...this? I am speechless. I will leave you with this thought and just a thank you for sharing your adventures with us! Leann
    “When you see someone putting on his Big Boots, you can be pretty sure that an Adventure is going to happen.”
    ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

  29. I was afraid this day was coming.... your heart just didn't seem to be in it lately.... Please, don't take it down, though, Dorie. All your past decor posts are among my very favorites of all time. Much love to you as you find your next adventure. Know how much you have meant to so many of us who looked forward to Tuesday because of you. - Cindy

    1. Hello Cindy! I will be leaving the blog up for now. I'll try to post more on my Instagram- @tuesdayswithdorieann . Thank you so much for reading! it really made it all worth while:)

  30. Noooooo! I hate that you're not going to be blogging anymore. I know what you should do then. Start an instagram account. That is a lot easier than a blog and then we can all stay in touch. You can post pics of your precious dog and all the cute things you have to share. I have an Instagram account and love how easy it is and it's a lot of fun following some of my favorite peeps. Just think about it. If you do start one, please let us know about it here. Will you be keeping your blog up and running while you're not posting or shutting it down?

    1. HI Kelly! I could alway depend on you to make a sweet comment:) love you for that! I DO have an Instagram! @tuesdayswithdorieann though I do need to be better about posting on there! I will be keeping my blog up, because ya never know..... :)

  31. I am so sad to hear this! We all hope you will change your mind and come back, when you're ready. Thanks for all the great ideas and laughs!

    1. Thank you Vickie! Like anyone doing something for 7 years straight, maybe I just need a big ole vacation? haha! Who knows.... thank you for reading!!!

  32. I stumbled upon your blog sometime in the past 2 years and went on to immediately read all of your past posts. What a fun blog! Best wishes to you and thank you for sharing yourself in "blogland". You are funny, down to earth and have a beautiful way of decorating. I hope you come back to blog sometime again.

  33. Sad but I understand. You are so talented and have been an inspiration to me. Best of luck with your future ventures.

  34. Oh shoot!! I'm one of those that soooo looked forward to your posts. I guess all good things must come to an end. I understand though ... life ... it keeps a changing". The best to you and yours.

  35. Wow I am sad. You were one of my favorite blogs.

  36. Noooooo! Say it isn't so! Please tell me you will at least stay on Istagram?

    1. Yes! I'll be on Instagram! Just need to get my buns in gear and post more often:)

  37. Best wishes to you, Dorie, and your family. You have given us 7 wonderful Tuesday-filled years. You will be missed.

    Yes to the Instagram idea! Please?
    Karla in CA.

    1. Yes Karla! Instagram is @tuesdayswithdorieann !! come find me!

    2. Just bookmarked your Instagram feeds (Project Beautify and Dorie's).

      MAN, DO I FEEL BETTER NOW!!! Whew!

      I am not a stalker, I promise, but internet friendship are kinda weird. Sorry.

      Take care,
      Karla in CA (happy again)

  38. I'm so sad! Tuesdays was always a great morning with Dorie. Going to miss you!

  39. I'm so sad! Tuesdays was always a great morning with Dorie. Going to miss you!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your Tuesdays with me Roxanna!

  40. I will really miss you! Pop over to Instagram just to say hello!! We love you!🌳🌿💫

  41. Awwww... Going to miss your blog! so.going.to.miss.it - come back at some point :-)...

  42. Tuesdays won't be the same! I've enjoyed your blog for years now and have used your home and the Project Beautify ones as inspiration as we have renovated our newly purchased home. Hopefully you'll be inspired to write/blog down the road again-I hope so! I also hope you will keep your website up so we can go back to your archives for your wit and style. Best to you and for what the future holds.

  43. NOOO! I love your blog, your writing, your humor, your photos, your love of life! You inspire the heck out of me. Please don't go away.

    1. Thank you Linda! Buts I gotta go! Maybe just for a bit.... :)

  44. So sad to be reading this news....Tuesdays won't be the same. I hope this site stays up as I often refer to the past posts for inspiration. Good luck Dorie!

    1. Hi Amy! yep, site's going to stay up! refer away!! thanks for reading:)

  45. Awww. I'm sad. We share a love for green, old things and houses. I have really enjoyed reading your blog. I will check back though. Maybe you will update us from time to time...

    1. Hi wgleaves! maybe just maybe.... :) I'll be on Instagram @tuesdayswithdorieann

  46. I've never commented on a blog before, but I can't let you go without telling you how much I have enjoyed reading your blog. Your sense of humor, values, class and style have kept me reading and looking forward to Tuesdays. I graduated from ASU and have a lot of family in Mesa so I felt a kinship to you when I first discovered your blog, but it has been your genuine-ness that has kept me coming back each week. I will miss it but I support anyone who follows their heart, even when it's not easy. Good luck in all your endeavors!

    1. Thank you, Dorie for sharing your family, laughter and love of life with us. Tuesday's won't be the same! Wishing you and your family much love, good health and lots of treasures! xo xo xo Sharon

    2. Thank you so much Bev Dow! Such sweet words:) I'm looking forward to the down time, although I'm not sure how long it will last... hahaha!!

  47. Dang it! I only found you about a year ago. I always look forward to Tuesdays because of you. I have you saved under "my favorites". Love every thing about your blog and you seem like the person I could totally hang out with. I'm going to miss you but I wish you all the best!

    1. Thank you Melanie! I was in your "favorites"? I love it:)

  48. Oh Dorie...such a bummer, but I can totally understand! Lucky for me, I get to see you every now and then when you visit family. Thanks for letting us be apart of your talented life! I will FOREVER be grateful for you helping me in my home! I too think you should be on Instagram and hope you'll keep your blog up for awhile so we can go back for ideas. Love ya and don't be a stranger!

    1. Hello lady! blog is going to stay up, and my Instagram is @tuesdayswithdorieann ! Come find me!!

  49. Missed you this Tuesday and hurriedly rushed over today to find a bit of cheer! Instead ..... Drip, Drip I see a little black rain cloud instead! :( So sorry to see you go but I truly understand! I wish you, your family and lest I forget dear Bully well dear friend! Thank you for sharing your time with us here! I do hope you may consider INSTAGRAM!!! Be well and God Bless! <3

    1. Thank you Kelly! I will pass on your sentiments to Little Bully who is currently sawing some serious logs here next to me:) I'm on Insta! @tuesdayswithdorieann come find me!!

  50. NOOO....It's like John and Sherri all over again! I will truly miss your little blog and little Bully too!

  51. Will miss your cute stories. I have been following you for a couple years now and always look forward to your Tuesday news during morning coffee. Maybe you are on to something bigger and better but I do know how hard it is to let go of something you have worked on for so long. Happy trails!!

  52. Please keep us updated on the houses and other projects on instagram! Love your style and wish i could be a part of your family, you are all so amazing. And of course sending love to little bully as well.

  53. I am going to miss your blogging! I can't remember how many years I have followed your journey, but I always have looked forward to Tuesday. I completely understand the need to move on though. Once blogging starts to feel like a weight, it's time to move on to other things. I hope you decide to still Instagram and show us all of the beautiful houses you are re-doing! Cheers to you!!

  54. Oh nooooo! I understand too, but can't help but feel a loss here in my little world, it's a sad day here in Colorado. Blessings to you, and thanks for sharing all the fun things, ideas, recipes and thoughts in your life!

  55. darn it........ but I get it. I have really enjoyed your blog and will miss your posts....particularly your cute little bully...... thank you so much for sharing all your creative ideas......this blog has really been a bright spot when I needed it. Hugs from Illinois!

  56. Oh man I am going to miss your funny little posts but time marches on and things change! I did sign up to follow you on Instagram. Best wishes to you and family.

  57. Dorie, I have been following your blog for a few years. I can't even remember how I found it...You may not remember me, but I was one of your neighbors when you lived in Mesa (23 years ago). I've never commented, but have kept you on my favorites and always enjoyed reading what you have posted!! You are a very interesting, witty and talented person! I'll miss reading about you and your cute little dogs adventures! Hopefully I'll run into you one day when you are visiting AZ. Thanks for sharing your decorating ideas and recipes. I'll miss your blog! Take care!!

  58. I have enjoyed every one of your posts, but I totally understand. Best wishes for all your future endeavors :)

  59. What?? Forever and ever? Totally understand. Sad about it, but totally understand. I still think you need to get a production company and do an HGTV show! I'd watch and I think all those guys ^^ above my comment would too! See ya on instagram! xo

  60. Loved every bit of your blog! You will be missed, but will follow you on Instagram.......Best Wishes always!

  61. Loved every bit of your blog! You will be missed, but will follow you on Instagram.......Best Wishes always!

  62. You could have let us down easy with a biweekly blog, then monthly, etc. �� I'm gonna miss getting my "green" on. Susan - Louisiana.

  63. I've really enjoyed reading your blog over the years. Love your style, your family and most of all LB. Good luck to you in your future endaevors. whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be filled with excitement and adventure. Good luck and thank you for sharing your life the last 7 years.

  64. Nooooo!!!! Doggone it! I'm going to miss your recipes and all of the beautiful homes you are saving! Will you still Instagram? I need my Little Bully fix! I was such a privilege to send you those photos when you restored the old Mesa bungalow. You are awesome! We will miss you!

  65. Nooooo!!!! Doggone it! I'm going to miss your recipes and all of the beautiful homes you are saving! Will you still Instagram? I need my Little Bully fix! I was such a privilege to send you those photos when you restored the old Mesa bungalow. You are awesome! We will miss you!

  66. I am going to miss reading your posts.. you were an inspiration to me in purchasing a vintage lake cottage. Wishing you the best. And maybe? You will post a picture on your latest project. The one with the big window? I was looking forward to the installation and pics. Until next time😀

  67. Oh gosh, so I'm a little late reading the news! I'm really going to miss your blog, woman! Hopefully you will still check in every now and then to share a project you are working on....your house renovations are a huge inspiration to others. I sure will miss your sense of humor and your photos of Little Bully and your love of the color green! Wish you well! :)

  68. Don't cry. be a good guy!
    I'm working in the thay man hinh xiaomi. It's amazing

  69. Oh. I'm so sad. I just stumbled across your precious blog when looking for some porch floor ideas. I live in a 1930s home and your heart is my heart. I was actually thinking that you needed your own TV show everything is so amazing! Even though the blogging has stopped. I will be checking out the website for a long time to come.

  70. Dorie Dorie Dorie
    I hang on every word you write and now....My arms are tired.
    Miss you SO much.Like a sitcom, I am reading the old stuff. 2017 would be a really great time to write us again, no? Say monthy. Tuesdays are just Mondays now. ew

  71. Just thought I'd check back in...hoping you might've changed your mind by now, but alas, still very sadly disappointed. Hoping all is well and that you're having the time of your life :)

  72. NOOOOOOOOO! I just found you last night!!!! Well, I guess I'd better start at the beginning, it will give me a little time before I finally get to this post again! so sad....

  73. Just checking in with fingers crossed that there might be an update. Alas there is not. Hoping all is well with you.

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  75. القماش المصنوع منه الكنب أو المجلس بمنتهي السهولة والاتقان ونحن نتلقى أتصالك عزيزي العميل علي مدار اليوم الكامل خدمة 24 ساعة وينتقل الى فريق عمل كامل متكامل إلى أي مكان بالدمام
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    3- تتميز شركتنا بأفضل الأيدي العمالة المدربة علي تنظيف الكنب بكافة أنواعه .
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    5- شركتنا تمتلك أفضل وأحدث الشاحنات المجهزة للتنظيف مما يمكننا من تنظيف مسابح داخل بيت العميل دون الحاجة إلى نقله إلى مقر شركة سبق كلينشركة تنظيف موكت وسجاد بالدمام
    6- السائقون لدي شركتنا معتادون علي التجول في سائر أنحاء المملكة وخاصة الرياض مما يجعل فريق العمل يصل إليك بأسرع وقت ممكن فور اتصالك
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    • يجب وجود سلة مهملات دائما في مجلسك حتى لا تتراكم النفايات وتؤدي إلي ظهور مجلسك بصورة غير لائقة
    • يجب عليك استخدام شريط لاصق لتجميع جميع الأسلاك المنتشرة بالمجلس مثل أسلاك التليفون وأسلاك الفيديو و غيرها من الأسلاك لكي لا تعطي إيحاء بالفوضى بالمكان.
    • إستخدام صندوق خاص بألعاب الأطفال حتى لا تنتشر بالمكان و تتسبب باحداث فوضى.

    عزيزي العميل لتفادي أي مشاكل أثناء عملية التنظيف وعدم إهدار الوقت والجهد والمال ننصحك بالاتصال الفوري بشركة سبق كلين لتنظيف السجاد بالدمام نصلك فورا في اي مكان بالرياض ونقدم لك الخدمة المطلوبة في تنظيف الكنب والمجالس باعلي جوده و أعلى كفاءة ممكنة بافضل الأيدي العاملة المدربة علي أداء الخدمة بالشكل الذي يرضيك عن مؤسسة الثقة شركة تنظيف موكيت وسجاد بالدمامشركة كشف تسربات المياه بالجبيل
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    الإهتمام بترتيب وتنسيق اثاث المجلس حتى يعطي شعور بالراحة والجمال وعدم الانزعاج.
    • في حالة وجود حيوان أليف بالمنزل يجب الاهتمام بنظافته لأنه ربما يتسبب في انتشار التلوث والروائح الكريهة وانتشار الحشرات والمرض أيضا.
    • يجب تنظيف الشبابيك بالمكانس الكهربائية وتنظيف الأساس بالملمع الخاص به للحفاظ على الكنب وأساسات المكان .
    • الإبتعاد نهائيا عن استخدام الماء في تنظيف المجالس المصنوعة من الجلد لانه يؤدي الى تلف الجلد وتشققه الذي نوصي باستخدام منظف خاص به .
    • استخدام مواد تنظيف جديدة تناسب كل نوع من انواع الكنب حتى لايتعرض للتلف حيث أن هناك أنواع تؤثر علي لون الكنب أو تتلف الخامة المصنوع منها.
    • يجب تنظيف وتلميع جميع الأجهزة الكهربائية الموجودة بالمجلس جيدا .شركة تنظيف ببقيقشركة مكافحة حشرات بالاحساءمؤسسة سبق كلين شركة تنظيف مسابح بالدمام تقدم لك أعلى مستوى من النظافة علي الاطلاق في مجال تنظيف المسابح لأنه من المعروف أن الكنب يكون بمثابة وجهة المنزل لأننا نستقبل عليه الضيوف وفي الغالب يكون أول ما يلفت إنتباه الضيف خصوصا اذا كان اول مرة يدخل منزلك ، لذا يجب تنظيف الكنب باستمرار، والعناية به علي الوجه الأمثل ليكون عنوان نظافة منزلك بالكامل وحسن مظهرك أمام الضيف قديما كانت المرأة تبذل الكثير من الوقت والجهد في تنظيف المنزل وخصوصا الكنب , وكانت تبذل الجهد والعناء الكبير في حالة الزيارات المفاجئة ولكن اليوم مع شركة سبق كلين لتنظيف المسابح بالدمام وداعا المشقة والعناء والقلق من الزيارات المفاجئة شركتنا تقدم لك أعلي مستوي من خدمة تنظيف الكنب علي الإطلاق ليظهر منزلك بشكل دائم أمام ضيوفك كالقصر وأنت ستكوني معنا دائما سيدة القصر.شركة تسليك مجارى بالخبر
    وأيضا لم تنسي شركة تنظيف مسابح بالدمام مكتبك إذا كنت صاحب شركة كبيرة أو رجل أعمال وتستقبل الوفود من رجال الأعمال فنحن نقدم لك اعلي مستوي من الخدمة بأعلى كفاءة ممكنة وأقل وقت ممكن أيا كان نوع الكنب المستخدم في مكتبك من حيث الأشكال و الخامات المصنوع منها الكنب حسب ذوقك الرفيع في اختيار

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