Our Past Projects

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I wanna talk about me....:)

Not really. I just don't have anything else to say:( Sooo, I thought I'd fill your world with some random (and completely useless) factoids about yours truly:)
~I never ever blow dry my hair. Nope. Too lazy. It gets blow dried once every 5 weeks, when the ol' greys get covered. So if you happen to see me with hair like this- it's that day:) 
The rest of the time it's lazy ponytails and an occasional braid:) 
~I reeally love this car. 
~But maaan this one is dreamier!! A Nash Metropolitan.
Me and Little Bully cruisin'. Yes please!!
I begged my dad for one of these when I turned 16. And now I beg the hubby.
Trust me, this stubborn girl ain't gonna give up on this one:) 
~ I recently realized I have a thing for black, white and mustard.
Didn't know it until I was packing up my closet. Oooopsies:) 
~I LOVE me some brownies. But I only eat the outsides. The corner? oooh that's the golden nugget:)
~I have a serious allergy to cashews. Not all nuts, just cashews.
Ewww, I can hardly look at them!
I had to leave a pedicure once because someone was having cashew chicken for lunch.
~I would rather have 10- 1000 sq. ft. houses than...
1-10,000 sq. ft. house. Yeah, feast your eyes on what I commonly refer to as "the beast".
I wouldn't move back in there fer nothin!!
~I'm a grown woman. But holy scaredy cat. I HATE long empty hotel hallways. Why? because of
I'm not a runner, but I'm pretty sure on the few occasions that I found myself alone in a
 hotel hallway- I could have won a gold medal in the 50 yard dash.
Come play with us........ 

~When I was little I thought rich people ate sugary cereals. Uh huh. My bf Debbie D. always had Quisp in her pantry. I LOVED spending the night at her house knowing the next morning I was going to fill my bellay with this richness:) 
~And the most randomness of all? I was at a spa for my birthday once and wouldn't you know that across the room was none other than Janet Napolitano.
Yep, the Secretary of Homeland Security. In a robe. In a chair. Sleeping.  
Speaking of spas.....
I just so happen to be at the spa:) yeeeah, someone's got to do it. So if next weeks post doesn't happen or makes absolutely no sense? It's because I'm here. Wearing tennies, eating egg whites and having extreme separation anxiety from my Little Bully and my mascara..... 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Weekend roundup... :)

I thought I'd share some highlights from this past week. For starters...
Heather Bullard was in the house. MY house!! Wha what?? I know!! When she called and asked if she could shoot my house, I returned her call and said umm, errr, you are aware that this house is TINY right???
She came and worked her magic. Oh my that gals got some mad skills I tell ya!
Her photography is uhmazing.
And she is too. Just as sweet and beautiful as you'd imagine her to be:)
Saturday was Sweet day:) and by sweet I mean Sweet Salvage:)
I picked up some real treasures (never mind the master photo bomber)!!
I got this sweet ole pitcher, some old melon ballers, a cool green frog with some cute cards,
and some wood thingies that I'm thinking are old pestles? And check out that amazing picture!!
Perfect addition to my ever growing collection of landscape pics:)
Aaand I picked up some of my sis in law's raw honey and fab blackberry raspberry chambord jam:)

 Then all that treat finding got me all hungray!!
I made this Chicken with Wild Mushrooms from Miss Barefoot.
It was soooo delish:) and easy!!
I highly recommend this dinner for all you peeps who are still feeling some chilly weather.
 It's that perfect warm your belly comfort food:)
 I had to scoot my chair back and show you the gremlin under the table.
He's such a beggar!!
The weather here has been absolutely beautiful. Perfect for taking bike rides.... 
To the new..........
I'm sooo going to spill the beans soon I promise!! Just waiting till it's a done deal:)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

This and that...and a cat:)

I spent this last weekend cleaning and organizing like a crazy lady. You'd do it to if you knew someone was coming over to take pics of your little tiny!! More on that later:)
 In the midst of my cleaning frenzy, the hubby announced he was bored and needed a project. I LOVE when this happens:) You see, I've never really liked the way the round table in the living room looked. It always looked to me like it was the shorter, fatter sister to the end table- fighting for attention. Soooo.......
That sweet hubby o' mine just whipped me up this little cutie:) 
 Yep. Just. Like. That:)
 I love how simple and warm it is:)
 Oh, and see those huge bugs back there on the floor by chair?
 This huge grasshopper and beetle (I think?) were one of the first "expensive" gifts the hubby ever bought me. I think the grasshopper was $98. That was 20 years ago and probably half my grocery budget. Aaanyway I've treasured them ever since. And so did Little Bully when he was a puppy. He would lay next to them pretending he was sleeping while gnawing on them:( He would carry the little beetle all over the house, which is why the antennas are MIA:(
Such a rotten bully. Always into something!
 And things haven't changed. 
SOMEBODY thought it would be fantastic to snack on some kitty litter ridden cat poop. This resulted in a very sicky bully. NOT fantastic.
I'm pretty sure he learned his lesson;) yeah riiiiiight....... 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The teeny tiny tour...part 3:)

I just realized that I never posted the pics of the rest of the little tiny! Sooo here ya go:) We'll start this tour with the 2nd bedroom:)
I found this really cool piece of wood in the back yard laying up against the fence:) I know right?! Anyway, I thought it would make a fab headboard. I bought these clip on lights at Home Depot for $14.97, then I just hung one of my fav landscape pics:) 

 On the other side of the room sits one of my fav antique pieces ever. I had been eyeing this sweet old thing at FOUND for like ever. It begged me to take it home:) The crazy horn lamp was a hand me down from my sis in law, and the huge really cool chalkboard?
 FOUND:) $260 if you want one for yourself:)

Oh! And in case you were wonderin....we kept the cats:)

 Next up- the teeniest tiniest of bathrooms.
The rug and shower curtain are from Target. 
I found this cute little shelf thingy at Sweet Salvage. Yeah I know, I only shop at 2 places.
Sweet and FOUND. My world is very small:) I think it was a whopping $35.
On the other side sits this old mantel/shelf thing at The Old Barn Antique Mall in San Juan Capistrano, CA  a while back. Perf for hanging towels. And even more perf for hanging my necklaces when I'm too lazy to put them away:) 
And that's all folks!! Yep, that's the nickel tour! Done and done.
And hey, if you think this little tiny has your name all over it- it's going to be available to rent come the first of February:) Let me know if you're interested!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

They know me.... :)

Sooo well!! Boy! my kiddies did good for their mama this year for Christmas!!
Ryne got me this bully shirt from Anthro. How cute is that?! And he paired it with some
fab black earrings. Yeah, I was shocked:)
Rio had her friend Trista Ironside do this amazing pencil sketch of none other
than Mr. Wallace himself. If you want Trista's info, email me:) Rio said her pencils of people
 are sooo good:)
I hung my sweet pic here in the "entry" (haha) of the little tiny:)
A verrry happy 2013 to you and yours!!
 I'm soo looking forward to what lies ahead, and hoping to be able to share some great news
with you all soon! No. Not preggers. Never. Ever again.
But here's a hint....

Cross your fingers!!! :)