So remember when I blogged about painting this cutie? Well after she was all painted and beautiful, I put her on the floor in the front bedroom and there she sat. A home without a home:( I just couldn't find the right space for her. And then I put my ole thinkin cap on and said hey! she could go in the back bedroom!
See her? See the cute little edge of her rooftop?
I pulled that table out of the garage, and put her on top of it. She's so proud to be out on display again:) I unpacked all her belongings and spent the day moving back in:)
I started with the kitchen. I asked for help from the bestest in the westest kitchen designer who just so happens to be my bestest in the westest hubby;) He knows his stuff I tell ya! Just check out his work on real kitchens!! Okay, truth be told you should have seen his face when I asked for his help! I think he answered something like- seriously? you're kidding right?
Okay, now for the big reveal.......
Uh huh:)
Whew! This kitchen remodel went well into the night!
I'm gonna sit down and watch me some Olympics now:)
And I'm sooo going to treat myself to these cookies made by the devil himself:) They're evil. Pure delicious evil:)