Yep, that's what my hubby told me he was. To my face.
Wha? What? Really??
Ok, so it's partly true. It's just that this guy can make
ANYTHING !!! And besides being completely amazing for our house, it just so happens to make fantastic blog material:) Case in point....

A few Saturday's back, he decided to tackle this arbor that we had been talking about. So I'm thinking, cool- a couple 2x4's, some nails and...done! Au
contraire mon frere!! There was even concrete involved! Who knew?

You seriously have no idea how
exhausting watching him work can be!!
Juuuust Kidding!!!
Someone had to take advantage of this photo op, you know- for the blog!! :)
Yeah, little bully kinda watched the backs of his eyelids the entire time:)

The result? True craftsmanship. I mean seriously. He's a wonder that man 'o mine!!
So hubby? I thank you, and this little
bloggy thanks you. For without you.....
geez, that's a lot of
responsibility for a little bully!!